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  • Mitochondrial donation - rescuing maternal-only DNA

    Posted by:

    Dr.M.Raszek and Dr.R.Della-Bosca

    Mitochondrial donation is an emerging reproductive technology applicable to women who suffer from mitochondrial disease. In this blog, we firstly summarize what mitochondrial donation is and how it is being regulated. Secondly, we explore ethical issues that arise beyond the scope of traditional artificial reproductive technologies as a result of the unique features of mitochondrial donation.

  • How to protect patients from medical malpractice

    Posted by:

    K. Moore

    There's no doubt that doctors are some of the most highly respected and well-paid professionals in the world. And with that comes a great deal of responsibility, which is why it’s so important for doctors to take steps to protect their patients from medical malpractice and negligence. This article will discuss some of the best steps doctors can take to avoid accidentally falling into such a trap.

  • The future of the pandemic according to Dr. Bossche

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    The Omicron appears to have become one of the most infectious viruses we ever had to contend with - the exact opposite trend of what we wanted to accomplish during the management of the pandemic, which was to dramatically decrease the transmission of the virus in the population. But no one is asking why this has happened? For this reason, we were highly interested in Dr. Bossche’s latest blog post pertaining to why the Omicron is both more infectious and milder in nature than previous variants, and how this development could be leading to the future progression of the pandemic.

  • COVID-19 vaccine exosomes and interferon cytokine disturbance

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    In this article, we are going to look at one proposed mechanism of how vaccine mRNA could be negatively affecting immune response in certain individuals through exosomes.

  • Post vaccination menstrual cycle analysis

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    Recently Merogenomics has published a video on a scientific investigation into whether vaccines might be influencing the menstrual cycle and/or the duration of menses. What followed was hundreds of comments on what so many women have experienced, and who described their extreme experiences in detail. We decided to present it in a graphical format, at least until we see a proper scientific analysis of these extreme outcomes being reported!

  • Mandate exemptions doctors’ guide

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    There is a small unvaccinated minority of people who already have to contend with certain added health difficulties on account of their existing health problems. Here we propose some exemption criteria that should be strongly considered in specific situations expressed to doctors by patients expressing their understandable fear of the risks of accidentally worsening their already existing disabilities by unusual vaccine adverse event.

  • Improving diagnostic rates of genetic testing - ASHG 2021 highlights in clinical genomics

    Posted by:

    K.Shinde and N.Wynne

    The field of medicine is working hard to keep up with advances in genome sequencing technologies but remains far behind due to difficulty in implementing some of the new, unfamiliar, and expensive protocols. Here we have focused on recent research and developments in clinical genomics, intending to highlight some of the progress being made towards optimization and large-scale implementation of genome sequencing in clinical settings.

  • Most gossiped about genetic news of 2021

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    At the end of every year we like to see what online articles tied to DNA have captured the most attention, and we rank the top 10. One consistent theme is that typically these will be the stories with the most emotionally gripping content of the past year! So, what did we find this year?

  • Omicron mutations – battle of the predictions

    Posted by:


    We struggled to find a good summary of the Omicron mutations especially as to why the authorities were so concerned about originally. So, we did bit of our own research. This post looks at different predictive models of what might be expected from the Omicron, and the possibility that Omicron could be an early example of immune escape from vaccines.

  • Supernumerary marker chromosomes – what they are, frequency and implications in newborns

    Posted by:


    This post is about possible unusual findings in a human genome of a presence of what is referred to as supernumerary marker chromosome - an independent fragment of a chromosome derived from any of our naturally occurring chromosomes. In essence, a person ends up having an additional tiny chromosome, and the clinical consequences of this can be quite varied.

  • Big themes in medical genomics - ASHG2021 overview

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    In this post we summarize what Merogenomics perceived as the biggest themes in current medical genomics from the the latest conference put on by the American Society of Human Genetics. We also mention what themes are emerging, what is the usual information and what did not get as much attention as we might have expected.

  • Genes with medical intervention – ACMG v.3.0 guidelines

    Posted by:


    This list of genes is extremely valuable for any doctor dealing with medical genomics as it consists of genes not only vetted for their association to a condition, but these are also genes where a medical actionability is available to the doctors. In this context, actionability refers to available medical intervention as defined by current standards of care.

  • Future of Next Generation Sequencing for life sciences 2021

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    Technology is not waiting for clinical practice to adjust itself to what is already available to doctors - the research is always continuously evolving to deliver ever increasing benefits.

    Future of Next Generation Sequencing 2021 virtual summit review.

  • “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence” - a Merogenomics’ NIH grant review

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    Two NIH grants that funded the work in Wuhanwere finally made publicly available. They were not provided voluntarily though. It is the Intercept that finally provided access to these two NIH grants, not any public agency. And they had to sue the NIH to get access to their Freedom Of Information Act request for these “public” documents and they are staggering! The type of research done is what we describe as crazy dangerous! 

  • The human genome finally completed!

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    Wait! What? The human genome was not fully decoded already? That’s right, even though the Human Genome Project exhibited the first maps of the human genome in 2000, and announced it as complete in 2003 – a small fraction of the human genome was never resolved due to technological limitations. But the day has finally arrived!

  • How new emerging variants are outsmarting our antibodies

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    One very strong candidate for the evasion of antibodies, including those of vaccines, that you might have heard about, is the Lambda variant. We wanted to drill in a bit deeper here to show you on a molecular level how cleverly the virus has mutated to start escaping the antibodies specifically mounted against the viral spike protein. And also how viruses could potentially take advantage of antibodies to infect more cells.

  • How the immune system fights viruses like coronaviruses

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    This article was inspired by what we consider to be the best illustration of overall immune system functions that we have seen. More specifically, the illustration concerns the immune system reaction to a viral infection by enveloped viruses such as coronaviruses.

  • Mental health and pharmacogenetic DNA testing

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    This post is a dramatic recounting of a mental health patient who used clinical pharmacogenetic DNA testing to improve their situation. This story has turned out to surpass our expectations in how much this individual was helped! Not only were we able to identify that a medication this person was on had an important personal use warning based on that patient’s genetics, but also another massive change took place for the benefit of this patient afterwards.

  • Immune escape – Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche explained

    Posted by:


    This post examines the theories of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche about virus immune escape. And specifically, his claims that mass vaccinations will potentially help develop immune escape variants of SARS Co-V-2 and why this could be very dangerous to everybody.

  • Pharmacogenetics evidence levels

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    Pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics is the study of how our genes impact the medications we take. Each one of us is programmed by having a variety of different mutations in our genes that influence how medications are processed by our body, and this information can be collected and then examined to help determine how medications should be dosed to best match how we metabolize (break down within our body) the medications we use, or even help avoid taking medication altogether because it could be toxic to us. Here we describe how the levels of evidence for pharmacogenetics are established.

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