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  • Foods helping Helicobacter pylori management

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    Helicobacter pylori is a widely prevalent gastric pathogen that can lead to ulcers and cancers. Research suggests that certain dietary choices can support conventional antibiotic treatments by reducing H. pylori colonization and enhancing immune response. We review the animal products, vegetables, fruits, herbs, and probiotics that could be used against H. pylori.

  • Understanding hereditary traits in mental health challenges

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    Explore how hereditary traits in mental health challenges impact diagnosis and treatment, enhancing understanding and care options.

  • Most common mRNA vaccines serious adverse events

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    A comprehensive analysis 2022 Pfizer report detailing nearly 5 million adverse events, collected over the first 1.5 years of mass vaccination, including serious side effects impacting vaccinated individuals. The report serves as a crucial resource for medical professionals, highlighting the most commonly affected body systems such as general disorders, nervous system disorders, infections, and cardiac issues.

  • Exploring the link between depression and genetic predisposition

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    Explore the link between depression and genetic predisposition to understand how genetics influence mental health risks.

  • IgG4 update from Dr. Bossche

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    Dr. Geert vanden Bossche is currently the only expert we know of who dares to predict the ending to the current pandemic (warning, it ain’t pretty). How do the IgG4 antibodies seen in mRNA vaccinated fit into all of this?

  • The mysterious role of IgG4 antibodies in autoimmune conditions

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    What are IgG4 antibodies? Here is the basic intro of what we have known about these mysterious antibodies in immune conditions.

  • Can fasting remove our “bad” antibodies?

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    We explore the available science to see if fasting can be used to remove unwanted antibodies from our body, such as the IgG4 antibodies observed to be notably increased in some of the mRNA vaccinees.

  • Review of Dr. Bossche’s book – the final countdown to The Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic

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    Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s new book, The Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic , is reviewed. See how he makes predictions of the impending but catastrophic end to the pandemic.

  • Endometriosis genetics and the immune system

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    We review the intricate genetics of the immune system that could contribute to the development of endometriosis including the different stages of progression as well as factors that might protect against the disease development. This article highlights how complex conditions such as endometriosis can have complex genetic contributions involved in its development.

  • How antibodies drive viral evolution - Dr. Bossche’s theories continued

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    Predictions of outcomes for the ongoing pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 are scarce. One notable exception is Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche who early on warned that mass vaccination during a pandemic would have dire consequences on the population immunity. Here Merogenomics provides a simple graphical chart along with detailed explanations of his thoughts on the complex interplay between viral infection and the effect on the immune system in vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals.

  • Mitochondrial donation - rescuing maternal-only DNA

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    Dr.M.Raszek and Dr.R.Della-Bosca

    Mitochondrial donation is an emerging reproductive technology applicable to women who suffer from mitochondrial disease. In this blog, we firstly summarize what mitochondrial donation is and how it is being regulated. Secondly, we explore ethical issues that arise beyond the scope of traditional artificial reproductive technologies as a result of the unique features of mitochondrial donation.

  • Omicron mutations – battle of the predictions

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    We struggled to find a good summary of the Omicron mutations especially as to why the authorities were so concerned about originally. So, we did bit of our own research. This post looks at different predictive models of what might be expected from the Omicron, and the possibility that Omicron could be an early example of immune escape from vaccines.

  • Supernumerary marker chromosomes – what they are, frequency and implications in newborns

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    This post is about possible unusual findings in a human genome of a presence of what is referred to as supernumerary marker chromosome - an independent fragment of a chromosome derived from any of our naturally occurring chromosomes. In essence, a person ends up having an additional tiny chromosome, and the clinical consequences of this can be quite varied.

  • Genetic mutations that can cause Polycystic Kidney Disease

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    J.Hart and Dr.M.Raszek

    Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder that can affect the kidneys. It causes cysts in the organs and makes them swell up, which over time could lead to renal failure if untreated. Polycystic kidney disease can be caused by mutations to different genes, some of which will be discussed in this post.

  • COVID-19 and genetic predisposition

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    Everyone in the world probably knows by now that if someone gets infected by SARS-CoV-2 virus, the resulting impact can range from a complete lack of symptoms to severe respiratory failure leading to death. Obviously, one possible contributing factor that would be worth investigating is the role of our personal genetics. So, what have we learned so far?

  • Clinical DNA testing options selection guide

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    This post explains the different DNA testing options available to patients/consumers who seek to discover potential genetic causes of an already existing condition. The testing also applies to a person who wants to screen before any clinical symptoms of a condition become apparent.

  • Cytomegalovirus fetus infection and pregnancy outcomes

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    With all the attention of the COVID-19 causing virus (SARS-CoV-2), we have been bumping into lots of literature related to viruses in general and one virus in particular grabbed our attention as it has been reported to be the leading cause of birth defects in newborns worldwide. The virus of interest is the human cytomegalovirus (CMV) which belongs in the herpes viruses family.

  • Caring for caregivers, the Alberta way!

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    There are 1 million caregivers in Alberta! That means the non-paid, non-professional people often are working, are raising children, have their own lives while taking on this additional role to help someone else live, people with disabilities, with health challenges and with aging-related needs. A lot of the caregiving role leads to emotional burnout. Caregivers Alberta was created by caregivers to support caregivers, working with clients on increasing their resiliency and their ability to bounce back from stressful situations and crises.

  • Autism spectrum disorders and DNA testing

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    Everyone knows how the incidence of autism has been on a constant rise over the years (currently approximately one in 54 children in the US and one in 66 in Canada). But what is not broadly understood in the general public is that genetics play a massive contribution in autism spectrum disorders. In turn, it is also not widely known that identifying the genetic factors in an affected autistic individual can help to more specifically discriminate the condition.

  • SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus origins alternative theories – do they hold up against science? Part 2

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    This is the second post of a two part series dedicated to analyzing the conspiracy theories regarding the SARS-CoV-2 origins that are different from the widely accepted “natural origin”, where we offer a contradictory, equally controversial viewpoint to a synthetic origin theory, and review the authors’ “smoking gun” evidence of why the SARS-CoV-2 was engineered.

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