How to tell if your genes could be acted on to help
12 / 05 / 2017Posted by:Dr.M.Raszek
"Actionable" genes are the genes that if mutated can lead to serious health complications, but where something can actually be done about it for a patient if discovered. So being able to determine what constitutes a gene with beneficial treatment or intervention to take place is definitely important! This is particularly timely work in light of emerging evidence of genetic testing leading to bad decisions with no benefit to patients.
Pregnancies just got new test to study fetus
24 / 04 / 2017Posted by:Dr.M.Raszek
What has changed, quite recently, is how pregnant women have started applying genomic technologies to assess the health risks of their babies, even prior to being born. Colloquially known as NIPT test, which stands for a non-invasive prenatal test, it is a term that is rapidly becoming familiar to pregnant women.
Most gossiped about genetic news of 2016
06 / 04 / 2017Posted by:Dr.M.Raszek
The new year is in full swing, resolutions have been almost all forgotten, and perhaps it is time to unwind to a social media biggest buzz of 2016 on topics of genome and DNA sequencing. And there is a lot to choose from, ranging from strange to curious to fascinating and always to the latest science.
When your blood is your enemy
30 / 03 / 2017Posted by:Dr.M.Raszek
Life can be seemingly normal, as everything is working fine, until a clot is formed and leads to plugged blood vessel. I probably do not have to tell you that plugging any pipe is usually not a desired event in any typical context, so when it happens in your body, it can be outright dangerous! Thrombophilia is a serious condition that might not even be suspected until a family history is revealed, or a serious condition develops.
One meeting to shape the world, one concept to bind us all - human genomics
22 / 02 / 2017Posted by:Dr.M.Raszek
Do you ever wonder what paramount events might be taking place behind the scenes that will shape your life and yet you never even know about it? One such event took place in Vancouver city not that long ago.