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Alberta Health Services genetic testing 2019 overview

Alberta Health Services genetic testing 2019 overview

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Alberta enters the genomic world

As we usher in this new era of DNA testing that is privately available to any consumer worldwide, perhaps we should first focus on the genetic testing that is publicly available in Alberta. While Merogenomics will always prefer and promote full genome sequencing for its completeness of DNA sequencing and the benefits that come with that, it is also important to be aware what is comparatively available to the public through their healthcare system.

The world of genetics and genomics is vast both in private access to medical genetics as well as public. But how vast is it here in Alberta? We catalogued all of the different tests available in the Alberta Health Services Genetics and Genomics program and were not at all disappointed with its size and complexity although some limitations can always be pointed out. One right off the top would be the obvious lack of uniformity in the information being listed with some procedures providing wonderful details, while some are missing even basic elements. We will touch upon that later, but that should be the first thing remedied. In the medical world where doctors are supposed to provide enough details to obtain accurate, informed consent from their patients then these are the very pertinent and important details that doctors need to be able to access easily.

Our other small complaint is that the information is not on an easy to navigate platform, but we do applaud what has been achieved thus far and hope that this is a great starting point to expand this information in the quickly changing medical world where more and more mainstream doctors are being expected to understand the potential and usage of DNA testing.

Overall, we counted 225 available tests. In our count, some procedures were consolidated into a single test if they were separated merely due to being performed on different tissue types. In theory, Alberta Health could provide a limitless number of tests, as doctors could possibly test for unique mutations of any kind if there is a documented history of it with strong evidence of pathogenicity associated with the mutation. However, the trick is to find that information in the first place. Usually, in the Alberta healthcare system, a referral would have to be made based on a clearly evident family history of a genetic condition, which could only then be attempted to be uncovered or else alternatively, the patient would have to rely on private clinical genetic testing to obtain the diagnostic evidence. That is the purpose of Merogenomics, to aid with access to clinical DNA testingthat otherwise might not be publicly available. This is the reason we chose to spend all this time in an analysis of the Alberta Health Services Genetics and Genomics tests, to provide an educated opinion on where it stands.

Image of Merogenomics article quote on Alberta healthcare genetic testing

With the 225 tests that are listed, there are many ways of categorizing the tests. Some of these tests are for one specific condition; others are broader in nature and could be analyzed for a multitude of biological effects. In addition to the 225 tests, we also counted 6 tests that were specifically listed as being performed out of province so we did not count these, especially since details on these were sparse. In addition there were also 10 procedures that we categorized as supporting research tests – the aim of which is to collect additional information that might aid with utility or the interpretation of the results of some of the diagnostic genetic tests. An example of that would be a test to assign a family relationship between different samples, or a procedure to prepare the sample for subsequent testing (such as establishing a cell culture).


Genetic vs. metabolic tests

The first obvious division of the 225 tests: we established 164 to be of genetic nature (related to using DNA or RNA to obtain clinical information), and 60 were tests that assessed other biomarkers – most typically metabolites or other sample constituents such as proteins (which we collectively refer to as tests of metabolic nature). One test was pharmacokinetic in nature, or basically assessing what happens to a drug once it is in our blood system. In the past, metabolic testing was the easiest means of testing for heritable diseases but while these tests do not gauge the genetic makeup directly, all metabolic tests are still used for assessing heritable conditions, hence why they are listed by Alberta Health System under the Genetics and Genomics category. Since our focus is genetic testing, we will not focus on metabolic testing in much detail but rather we will dive into the specifics of DNA testing.

Another simple way to break down the 255 tests is to go by those that assess heritable conditions (conditions that can be passed on from one generation to another and we counted 189 tests), versus conditions that are of somatic origin (they arise due to DNA mutations after birth and therefore are not inherited – with 30 tests counted). Lastly, there is when a test meets both conditions (6 tests where the procedure could be used to study either a heritable condition or of a somatic nature).

Of the somatic tests, all but one are dedicated to cancer analysis. Of the heritable conditions, 14 tests are dedicated to assessment of hereditary cancer predisposition, for a total of 49 tests that are dedicated to cancer genetic analysis. However, this might be an overestimate as some of the test descriptions do not clearly indicate if the procedure is used specifically for somatic or inherited mutation analyses. If the test information did not specify but could be used for both, it was placed in the “both” category.

Interestingly, during our cursory review of what type of conditions were investigated, we could ascertain that at least 17 of heritable conditions could also be of sporadic nature. This means that the condition might not actually have been inherited from afflicted parents. Rather, the DNA mutation that led to the disease spontaneously occurred in either the sperm or the egg that was used to produce the baby. In theory, the mutation could also occur after fertilization in the zygote. Such a resulting condition is heritable itself and thus could also then be passed onto the subsequent generation (although at times this is very unlikely due to the reduced reproductive success of afflicted individuals because of the high morbidity associated with the condition or an ensuing severe intellectual disability).

Merogenomics Blog Figure on Genetic Testing B

A good example would be Williams-Beuren syndrome which arises due to a whole chunk of a chromosome 7 going missing in one of the parents’ gametes with more than couple dozen genes gone along with it. When such a large segment of DNA is affected, it is referred to as a structural DNA mutation. As a consequence, multi-organ developmental issues arise, as well as cardiovascular problems, learning difficulties and distinctive physiological and behavioural features are produced. Such individuals can still pass on the condition to their children.

The genetic testing of heritable conditions can be further subcategorized into testing for mutations that affect the germline (alterations in the DNA of sperm or eggs) versus those affecting the mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA is unique in that it is only inherited from the mother. Mitochondria are like tiny cells within cells and they are like miniature factories responsible for the production of ATP, dubbed “the energy molecule”. Only one Alberta Health Services genetic test is dedicated to the assessment of a mitochondrial conditions. The remaining 128 tests are all related to germline mutations.


Types of genetic information

Yet another way to categorize the tests is by the type of genetic information they analyze: epigenetics, gene expression, point mutations, DNA sequence data, structural information and finally RNA transcript fusion. Sequencing was further subcategorized as partial (where only a segment of the gene of interest is investigated for the DNA code information) or full sequencing (where all the exons of the gene are investigated). Only one test investigates introns (DNA that is present in between exons of the gene. It is the exons that are actually transcribed to produce the RNA, the introns can play important regulatory roles).

Most often multiple sources of genetic information are investigated in a single test, with 65 tests employing such an approach. In second place with 54 tests is the analysis of structural information, most typically either large deletions within the DNA or duplications of DNA segments. Some tests are specifically designed to look for more unusual complications such as inversions, where a segment of DNA is switched around. Third in line with 27 tests, are tests dedicated to assessing point mutations, or changes in a single DNA nucleotide position, also referred to as SNPs.

These are extremely targeted tests that are very limited in nature, meant to only diagnose that single change in the DNA position. If an equally damaging change in the DNA were to happen right beside it, such tests would miss this information. Such tests are cheap and easy to execute but they can miss a lot of potentially important information that could be used in helping diagnosing the patients. For these reasons, the broader sequencing of DNA is always better as it allows the process of discovery for new mutations. 14 tests are dedicated solely to sequencing the DNA, with only two of these being full sequencing. Three tests look at RNA transcript fusions in certain cancers, and one test assessed gene expression in cancer cell lines for prognostic purposes of cancer recurrence.

The good news is that of the mixed approach tests, 52 tests are dedicated at analyzing the complete gene sequence along with independent technology used to look for potential structural changes to the DNA (one of the tests also assessed the epigenetic information). This is the most comprehensive way to actually analyze patient genetic information for clinical purposes and we are glad to see that this approach is taking a foothold in our province. Unless you are doing full genome sequencing – which has certain advantages for being able to study structural mutations without the need of use of secondary technology – sequencing of select genes ideally should always be complemented by additional testing for structural changes in order to obtain the most complete genetic information related to a clinical condition possible. Some conditions are more prone to arise due to structural DNA alterations than to point mutations but every time one or the other approach is not utilized, there is a risk of missing important diagnostic information.

Merogenomics Blog Figure on AB Genetic Technologies

However, while that might sound all good, the reality is that the majority of these genetic tests that employ full sequencing and structural mutation analysis actually assess very limited information over all as the majority of these tests are dedicated to only a single gene evaluation. 138 of the tests list which genes are being studied and 76% of these are tests for just a single gene. While it can make sense when probing for a specific monogenic condition, the reality is that this is like trying to hit a bull’s-eye each time with only one throw. There are now nearly 6500 disease traits or symptoms that can be linked to molecular causes, which includes at least 4000 genes. With so many genetic conditions that have overlapping traits, the current clinical trend is steering towards much more comprehensive genetic analyses to increase the likelihood of diagnosis. One way is by pooling genes of interest into groups to assess the related condition which is referred to as a gene panel and this is rapidly becoming standard in medical genetics. If we count a panel as including minimum of three genes, then in total the Alberta Health Services system uses 20 tests with gene panels, with the largest panel including 19 genes.

Merogenomics Blog Figure on Number of genes per test


Cancer predisposition testing

14 of these panels are for hereditary cancer predisposition which includes all the panels assessing seven or more genes. It is definitely exciting to see that Alberta Health Services is following suit in expanding the number of genes explored in cancer predisposition as more and more genes are being linked with this group of diseases. However, when it comes to actual cancer biopsy analysis for genetic information, the majority of the tests (62%) are dedicated to analyze broad structural genomic changes. Only 9 genes in cancer biopsies are analyzed for any specific sequence information. These include BRAF, EGFR, JAK2, KIT, KRAS, MLH1, MPL, NRAS and PDGFRA genes. Of these, only three are actually analyzed by sequencing, the remainder are assessed for specific point mutations only. This is a far cry from the type of analyses that can be performed, with full genome analysis of the tumor along with tumor transcriptome (sequencing of all of the RNA isolated from the tumor sample). Many medical centers around the world are already employing this approach, with a notable Canadian example of cancer medical genomics being found in Vancouver. Unfortunately, this procedure is very expensive, and therefore its public healthcare utility will be forthcoming very slowly.

Merogenomics Blog Figure on Germline and Somatic Test Types


Genetic testing technologies

How the above information is obtained depends on the type of technology used to collect the data and a very broad array of different methods are employed in the Alberta Health Services genetics and genomics tests. As the name of the program has been advanced to include genomics, so has the adoption of technology used in the program. In fact, next generation sequencing (NGS) is the most frequently employed tool in all of the genetic tests, whether alone or in combination with others. However, as previously alluded to, 60% of the time, this powerful technology is used to assess only single genes. One criticism that has to be made is that frequency with which the technology is used is not clearly specified, and thus our analysis is strictly based on the information that has been presented. About 25% of the listed tests do not clarify the methodology employed and we hope this will be remedied soon. For example, the third most commonly listed method is “Targeted Sequence Analysis” but this term could be describing a multiple of different potential approaches. Since we have no way of knowing, we placed it in its own category for now.

The second most frequently used technology is polymerase chain reaction (PCR), reflecting the targeted approach in genetic diagnosing currently used by the Alberta Health. Here too it is possible that the technology would be subcategorised into further specialized PCR methods that might not have been listed properly. The fourth most common technology is multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), reflecting the fact of how frequently structural DNA information is assessed along with the DNA sequence. Even more encompassing for this purpose is the use of comparative genomic hybridization array (Array CGH), which ranks in at number seven. The use of this technology along with NGS is one of the primary gold standards now employed in medical genetics. Among all the genetic tests listed by the Alberta Health directories, these two technologies are used in total of 10 tests. This includes only 6 gene panels.

Merogenomics Blog Figure on Genetic Testing Technologies


Biological samples accepted for genetic testing

The wide array of technologies used is also reflected by the wide array of samples accepted for testing purposes. Different samples are usually used for genetic testing versus metabolic testing with the exception of blood, which is accepted for use in certain tests among both categories. Within genetic testing, blood is the most preferred option. The majority of tests that utilize blood as a sample source also accept amniotic fluid, chorionic villi, extracted DNA or fetal tissues. In contrast, the saliva sample that is most frequently seen used in direct-to-consumer DNA testing is accepted in only one type of genetic test covered by public healthcare.

Merogenomics Blog Figure on Genetic Testing Samples


Alberta Health Services genetic testing locations

All tests are performed in either Edmonton or Calgary, with four locations participating in testing in each city. Overall, Calgary takes the crown for the highest number of tests on their menu with 153 tests and Edmonton performing 104 tests. Only 11 of these tests are actually delivered in both cities. The most tests by any facility is 90 tests by the Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics in Calgary, followed by 47 tests by the Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics, also in Calgary. Edmonton comes in third place with 42 tests performed by the University of Alberta Hospital’s Molecular Diagnostics department.

Calgary also takes the crown by delivering 70% of the available gene panel tests. Edmonton on the other hand has the distinction of leading in terms of the most cancer tests with 64% of all cancer related tests delivered only in Edmonton with an additional 6% of cancer linked tests performed in both cities.

However, keep in mind that these rankings are just in terms of the number of different tests available (225), and not the actual volume of tests being performed.


Speed of Alberta Health genetic testing

In terms of turn around time (TAT), many tests provide a range of time for when the results could be available. Across all 225 tests, the average TAT is 47 days for the slower option and 41 days for the expedited results. Fastest test results can be available in a day but the slowest results for many of the DNA sequencing tests take up to 4 months. Average TAT for genetic tests is 57 days for regular delivery and 50 days for the expedited approach. Metabolic tests yield results much faster, on average being available in 19 days. The number of tests per facility with the TAT is listed in a table below.

Location   Test count   TAT Avg   TAT single test  
Slowest Fastest Slowest  Fastest
Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 47 23 23 45 1
Alberta Children's Hospital Cytogenetics 12 22 18 42 7
Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 82 72 62 112 42
Tom Baker Cancer Center Pharmacokinetics 1 1 1 1 1
University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 34 64 54 112 3
University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 35 26 25 112 1
UAH or ACH Cytogenetics 3 21 16 28 14
UAH or ACH Molecular Diagnostics 8 86 86 112 14
University of Alberta Hospital Cytogenetics 4 28 28 42 21
University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 20 8 8 14 4
Alberta Children's Hospital Cytogenetics all tests 15 21 18 42 7
Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics all tests 90 73 64 112 42
University of Alberta Hospital Cytogenetics all tests 7 25 23 28 14
University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics all tests 42 69 60 112 3



Alberta ethnicities’ genetic testing

Finally, the last assessment of publicly available genetic testing concerns which ethnicities are targeted by any of the tests specifically, and this outcome is definitely very Alberta specific. The one group of people targeted the most by genetic testing is the Hutterites, with 10 tests dedicated for that purpose. This is not surprising as Hutterites are an example of an isolated group that is more restricted in terms of genetic diversity and as a consequence any carrier mutations of pathogenic diseases are more likely to be present. This is to be expected in a group of people that is especially restricted in partner selection to a specific geographical area and comprised of a limited number of individuals. In such circumstances, genetic conditions will appear more frequently, and this is referred to as a founder effect, and the affected population can be termed the founder population. DNA mutations that otherwise would be so rare that they would almost never be witnessed in a wider population, can accumulate and become prominent. For these same reasons we also observe a greater prevalence of certain conditions among the Ashkenazi Jewish population, or the French Canadian population. The Hutterite population in prairie provinces has been extensively studied for its genetic conditions, and this fact has even led to the development of Hutterite-specific diagnostic DNA chip that can screen for 30 diseases.

While the prominence of Hutterite population representation was not a surprise, what was a surprise were lack of other ethnicities, more specifically, lack of French Canadian representation. Like the Hutterites, the French Canadians in Alberta would be expected to comprise of isolated groups that could also run the risk of allowing genetic conditions to persist, and this is one of the largest minorities in Alberta.

Merogenomics Blog Figure on ethnicities targeted by Alberta public genetic testing

The take home message from our first analysis of the publicly available genetic testing in Alberta is that the program is certainly dynamic and clearly adopting new technologies as they become available and clinically verified, although much further progress can and should be expected in the years to come. Take for example, exome sequencing which assess all of the genes in the human genome, is not listed at all, not even as an option for extreme circumstances, although we do not doubt that it already must be happening to some degree in Alberta public healthcare. It is simply too powerful of a technology to save human lives to be ignored. Full genome sequencing on the other hand, probably not any time soon. Although we already alluded to use of this technology in cancer molecular profiling, another important diagnostic need for this technology is for people afflicted with conditions with no clear clinical diagnosis available, which is just as useful as exome sequencing, but even more comprehensive and accurate.

It will be exciting to watch this field evolve in our province.

The final component of this analysis is our attempt to provide access to all of the genetic testing information we were able to collect in a single table format. Our Albertan doctors will be encountering DNA testing more and more frequently in the future and genetic testing will not just belong to specialized medical departments anymore, but rather will be served and used by general doctors. Part of that vision requires continuous education on genetic testing by our medical establishment and developing a familiarity of use with these technologies in their every day practice. Currently there are many specialists that do not even think of DNA testing as a potential diagnostic tool and this will have to change in time as our grasp of genetics continues to grow, and we can see the benefits continue to be established, recognized, and utilized.

It is our goal to continue analyzing the exciting progress of genetic testing in Alberta in the years to come!


Please click on the letter to go to specific group of Alberta Health Services genetic tests:

A1 A2 B C1 C2 D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W XY


Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
15q11-13 Duplication Syndrome     CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital
Molecular Diagnostics
6 - 8 weeks MLPA Detect deletions and duplications Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
1p19q Co-deletion by FISH for brain cancers   Investigation of oligodendrogliomas   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks Test set-up on Tuesday FISH Slides are cut from paraffin block and are deparaffinized in xylene and dehydrated in ethanol. Specimen pretreatment is performed using SPoT-Light Tissue Pretreatment Kit (Life Technologies) and fluorescence in situ hybridization is performed using Vysis probes (Abbott Molecular Inc.)
Vysis 1p36/1q25 and 19q13/19p13 FISH Probe Kit detects deletion of 1p36 and/or 19q13. In normal cells, there is an equal number of red and green signals (ratio of test probe to reference probe >0.8), but in abnormal cells the result is less red signals than green signals, indicating deletion of 1p or 19q (ratio of test probe to reference probe <=0.8). A ratio of test probe to reference probe <=0.8, and >15% of cells showing reference to target ratio of at least 2 is indicative of a deletion
All appropriate negative and positive controls are used. An average of 100 interphase nuclei are examined for each probe set by two observers using an Olympus Provis Fluorescence microscope system on 1000X magnification
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block is preferred
Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin as well as six 4-micron baked (2 hours at 60°C) unstained charged slides can be submitted
Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
1q21.1 Deletion Syndrome     SUNQUEST: MDG-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Real-Time PCR Detects deletions and duplications Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome   DiGeorge/Velocardiofacial Syndrome (VCF)
Shprintzen Syndrome
Takao Syndrome
  University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Real-Time PCR Detects deletions and duplications Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
3-Methylglutaconic & 3-Methylglutaric Acids     3-Methylglutaconic and 3-methylglutaric acids can be modestly elevated in certain mitochondrial diseases, while secondary 3-methylglutaconic acidurias result in moderate to substantive elevations. Primary 3-methylglutaconic aciduria leads to gross elevations. These metabolites can also be elevated in plasma of patients with renal insufficiency, resulting in artefactual findings
Primary 3MGC Disorders Detectable by elevated 3-methylglutaconic and 3-methylglutaric acids*
-3-methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase deficiency (3MGC type I; AUH)
-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase deficiency
Secondary 3MGC Disorders Detectable by elevated 3-methylglutaconic and 3-methylglutaric acids*
-Barth syndrome (3MGC type II; TAZ)
-Costeff Optic Atrophy syndrome (3MGC type III; OPA3)
-MEGDEL syndrome (3MGC type IV; SERAC1)
-Dilated Cardiomyopathy with Ataxia syndrome (3MGC type V; DNAJC19)
-TMEM70 defect (TMEM70)
-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase deficiency
Other known causes of elevated 3-methylglutaconic and 3-methylglutaric acids*
-CLPB (caseinolytic peptidase B) deficiency
-Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I deficiency
-Some mitochondrial diseases
-Some neuromuscular diseases
-Other metabolic disorders (due to secondary mitochondrial dysfunction) 
3MGC-P, 3MGC-S, 3MGC-U  Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics  30 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Contact for priority turn-around 
Derivatization (i.e., silylation) using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) stable isotope dilution (SID) method with a deuterium-labeled internal standard  Urine 3-methylglutaconic and 3-methylglutaric acids can help to inform whether elevated plasma levels are due to a true 3-methylglutaconic aciduria or renal insufficiency, both of which can lead to a mild to moderate elevations of plasma 3-methylglutaconic and 3-methylglutaric acids.
This test will be reflexively performed when elevated 3-methylglutaconic and/or 3-methylglutaric acids are found by Organic Acids, Semi-Quantitative (ACH) 
Urine Collect a 5 to 10 mL (1.0 mL min) random urine sample in plain urine container and freeze   Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary blood tube not refrigerated
-Primary urine container not refrigerated or frozen
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided.
Urine 3-methylglutaconic and 3-methylglutaric acids should not be ordered in conjunction with urine organic acids, as these metabolites are also reported as part of that test, and this quantitative test will be reflexively performed on any urine sample with elevated levels detected, sample volume permitting 
Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.75 mL plasma or serum min) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
-Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
-Non-additive (red top - NOT SST)"
Collect following a minimum four-hour fast; or just before next feed for newborns
Indicate length of fast, or time of last feeding on the requisition (with collection time)
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
7-Dehydrocholesterol   Investigation of Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, and the level of 7-dehydrocholesterol is reported along with the cholesterol level 7DHC Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 45 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Derivatization (i.e., silylation) using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) stable isotope dilution (SID) method with a deuterium-labeled internal standard Elevated 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) is highly suggestive of a biochemical diagnosis of Smith-Lemli-Opitz (SLO). Mild elevation of 7-dehydrocholesterol can also be detected in patients with hypercholesterolemia and in patients on certain medications (e.g., haloperidol, aripiprazole, trazodone) Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.25 mL plasma or serum min) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
-Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
-Non-additive (red top - NOT SST)
Collect following a minimum four-hour fast; or just before next feed for newborns
Indicate length of fast, or time of last feeding on the requisition (with collection time)
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary blood tube not refrigerated
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided


A part 1

Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Acylcarnitine Profile   Investigation of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation disorders and certain organic acidurias. This test may also be ordered to rule out the possibility of these disorders in a patient being assessed for the ketogenic diet
Disorders Detectable by Acylcarnitine Analysis*:
Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders:
-short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD) deficiency
-medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency
-medium/Short-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (M/SCHAD) deficiency
-medium-chain 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (MCKAT) deficiency
-dienoyl-CoA reductase deficiency
-very long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD) deficiency
-long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (LCHAD) and trifunctional protein deficiencies
-carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase (CACT) deficiency
-carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPTI) and II (CPTII) deficiencies
-electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF) and ETF-dehydrogenase deficiencies (a.k.a., multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency [MADD] or glutaric acidemia type II)
Organic Acid Disorders:
-glutaric acidurias
-propionic Acidemia (PA)
-methylmalonic Aciduria (MMA)
-isovaleric Aciduria (IVA)
-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase deficiency
-3-methylglutaconyl-CoA hydratase deficiency
-3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency
-isobutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
-2-methylbutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
-2-methyl-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
-beta-ketothiolase deficiency
-malonic aciduria
-ethylmalonic encephalopathy
*Further confirmatory testing is required for some of these conditions, as nonspecific findings, isobaric species and overlapping patterns may prevent definitive diagnosis in specific cases
This test may also be used to monitor known patients with certain mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation disorders or organic acidurias on diet-modified treatment"
AC-P, AC-S Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 14 days
Test performed on a weekly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Derivatization (i.e., butylation) using electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) with deuterium-labelled internal standards Acylcarnitine analysis enables the diagnosis of specific disorders of fatty acid oxidation and certain organic acidurias, as relevant primary enzyme deficiencies result in the accumulation of specific acylcarnitines
Free carnitine is not reported as part of this test; therefore Carnitine, Total and Free - Blood (ACH) should be ordered separately if there is suspicion of a systemic carnitine deficiency
Urine organic acids will be reflexively performed on any existing sample if the results of the plasma acylcarnitine indicate the need for further investigation or metabolite discrimination.
Metabolites reported:
acetylcarnitine (C2), propionylcarnitine (C3), butyryl-/isobutyrylcarnitine (C4), tiglylcarnitine (C5:1), isovaleryl-/2-methylbutyryl-/pivalylcarnitine (C5), hexanoylcarnitine (C6), 3-hydroxyisovaleryl-/2-methyl-3-hydroxybutyrylcarnitine (C5-OH), octenoylcarnitine (C8:1), octanoylcarnitine (C8), malonylcarnitine (C3-DC), decadienoylcarnitine (C10:2), decenoylcarnitine (C10:1), decanoylcarnitine (C10), methylmalonyl-/succinylcarnitine (C4-DC), glutarylcarnitine (C5-DC), dodecenoylcarnitine (C12:1), dodecanoylcarnitine (C12), adipyl-/methylglutarylcarnitine (C6-DC), tetradecadienoylcarnitine (C14:2), tetradecenoylcarnitine (C14:1), myristoylcarnitine (C14), suberylcarnitine (C8-DC), 3-hydroxymyristoylcarnitine (C14-OH), palmitoleylcarnitine (C16:1), palmitoylcarnitine (C16), sebacylcarnitine (C10-DC), 3-hydroxypalmitoleylcarnitine (C16:1-OH), 3-hydroxypalmitoylcarnitine (C16), linoleylcarnitine (C18:2), oleylcarnitine (C18:1), stearoylcarnitine (C18), 3-hydroxylinoleylcarnitine (C18:2-OH), 3-hydroxyoleylcarnitine (C18:1-OH), 3-hydroxystearoylcarnitine (C18-OH), hexadecanedioylcarnitine (C16-DC)
Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.25 mL plasma or serum min) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
-Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
-Non-additive (red top - NOT SST)
Collect following a minimum four-hour fast; or just before next feed for newborns
Indicate length of fast, or time of last feeding on the requisition (with collection time)
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary blood tube not refrigerated
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Adenine Phosphoribosyl-transferase   consistent with adenine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency APRT Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics N/A     Blood Collect 1 x 4 mL whole blood in EDTA (lavender) tube Must be a test specific dedicated tube (cannot share with any other test)
Sample needs to arrive at the ACH Biochemical Genetics Lab within 24 hours of time of collection who will then forward it to an outside reference lab
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
This test should NOT be used as a primary screen for adenine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency. Clinical findings of urolithiasis or crystalline nephropathy WITH evidence of elevated urine 2,8-dihydroxyadenine (2,8-DHA or DHA; using test Purine and Pyrimidine Profile - Urine) are required for testing to proceed
Adenosine Deaminase & Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase   Investigation of erythrocyte adenosine deaminase (ADA) and purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) deficiencies as the cause of immunodeficiency ADA Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 21 days
Test performed on a biweekly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
ADA and PNP enzyme activities are measured spectrophotometrically Plasma ADA activity is measured in addition to erythrocyte activities to aid in the initial diagnosis of ADA, but is also used to titrate dosing in known ADA-deficient patients on PEG-ADA therapy
The plasma ADA activity as part of this test should not be used for the purposes of diagnosing adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency (a.k.a., polyarteritis nodosa, Sneddon syndrome, cat eye syndrome chromosome region, candidate 1 deficiency) as it is has not be validated for that purpose
Blood Collect 2 x 4.0 mL (3 mL plasma or serum min, 1 x 4.0 mL for Calgary zone) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST) Alternate: Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST) For non-Calgary collection sites:
Tube #1 (whole blood sample) - Do NOT centrifuge. Do NOT aliquot. Do NOT freeze. Place whole blood sample on ice. Transport sample on ice (not frozen). (same for Calgary collection site)
Tube #2 (plasma aliquot) - Centrifuge, transfer plasma to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"" or ""LiHep"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze aliquot tube. Transport sample on dry ice to accompany Tube #1
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Pleural or cardiac effusion, sputum or other specimen types for the express purpose of tuberculosis testing will NOT be accepted
Samples will be rejected if:
-Tube #1 (whole blood sample) not refrigerated
-Tube #2 (plasma aliquot) received thawed
-Tube type not written on Tube #2 (plasma aliquot) label
-Sample type other than heparinized whole blood and plasma (e.g., pleural effusion) is submitted
ALK by FISH ALK Reflex test when ALK by IHC results are equivocal   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks Test set-up on Thursday FISH Slides are cut from the paraffin block and are deparaffinized in xylene and dehydrated in ethanol. Specimen pretreatment and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is performed using the Vysis Paraffin Pretreatment IV & Post-Hybridization Wash Buffer Kit (Abbott Molecular Inc.) and the FDA approved Vysis ALK Break Apart Probe Kit (Abbott Molecular Inc.) The LSI ALK Dual Color Break-Apart probe hybridizes to the band region 2p23. In normal cells, the two probes (green and orange) are fused or close together. In abnormal cells, with a break at 2p23, the two probes separate
The negative cut off is established at < 15% of the cells showing an abnormal signal pattern according to the Vysis interpretation criteria. All appropriate negative and positive controls were used. An average of # interphase nuclei were examined independently by two observers using an Olympus Provis Fluorescence microscope system on 1000X magnification
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue One slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin as well as four 4-micron baked (2 hours at 60°C) unstained charged slides need to be submitted
Aptex slides will also be accepted
Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report
  MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Allopurinol Loading Test   Determination of ornithine transcarbamylase heterozygote status in a female patient suspected based on clinical findings, or partial ornithine transcarbamoylase deficient males who have had normal or borderline urinary orotic acid levels under normal conditions and/or normal molecular genetic testing OR/OD Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 14 days
Test performed on a weekly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Liquid chromatography, electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LS-MS/MS) with deuterium-labelled internal standards Metabolites reported: orotic acid, orotidine Urine Random urine collection container AND four 24 hour urine collection containers (no preservative) PRE Allopurinol Load:
Collect 5 - 10 mL random urine sample
POST Allopurinol Load:
Label the first 24-hour collection container with the start time and collect the total urine output for the next six hours into the container. Repeat three more times with each contained dedicated to 24-hour period
Urine specimen MUST be kept FROZEN during the entire collection and transport process
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Samples will be rejected if:
-Specimens received thawed
-Specimens not received in primary collection containers
Angelman Syndrome     CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks 15q11 methylation sensitive MLPA and UPD15 Microsatellites 15q11 methylation sensitive MLPA: Detects copy number changes and determines methylation status. Does not distinguish between imprinting center pathogenic variants and UPD
UPD15 microsatellites: Detects UPD15
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Alpha-Fucosidase   Investigation of Fucosidosis (a.k.a., alpha-fucosidase deficiency) - a lysosomal storage disorder A-FUC-P Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 30 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Alpha-fucosidase activity is measured fluorometrically using a 4-methylumbelliferyl-linked substrate   Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.25 mL plasma min) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
Alternate: Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
It is recommended that the patient go to ACH OP Lab for specimen collection
If multiple lysosomal enzymes are requested on plasma, a minimum of 0.25 mL plasma is required for each enzyme requested
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Requests for testing should be supported by a high index of clinical suspicion specific to the disorder in question, and/or by the results of an abnormal Oligosaccharides Screen, Urine (UAH) and evidence from additional send-out testing
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
-Serum is submitted
Alpha-Galactosidase   Investigation of Fabry disease in male patients based on clinical presentation A-GAL-P Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 14 days
Test performed on a biweekly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Alpha-galactosidase activity is measured fluorometrically using a 4-methylumbelliferyl-linked substrate The measurement of plasma alpha-galactosidase A activity is not a recommended diagnostic test for Fabry disease in females. In addition to a reported 30% of affected female patients showing normal enzyme activity, the Biochemical Genetics laboratory has identified several female patients with moderately decreased enzyme activity that were not subsequently found to have a detectable GLA mutation. Recommend referral to the ACH Inherited Metabolic Disorders Clinic for detailed investigation and/or application for out-of-province funding for GLA gene-based testing Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.25 mL plasma min) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
Alternate: Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
It is recommended that the patient go to ACH OP Lab for specimen collection
If multiple lysosomal enzymes are requested on plasma, a minimum of 0.25 mL plasma is required for each enzyme requested
"Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
-Serum is submitted


A part 2

Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Alpha-Glucosidase, T-lymphocyte   Investigation of Pompe disease (a.k.a., alpha-glucosidase deficiency, acid maltase deficiency, glycogen storage disease type II, glycogenosis type II) - a lysosomal storage disorder A-GLU-T Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 30 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Alpha-Glucosidase activity is measured fluorometrically using a 4-methylumbelliferyl-linked substrate The establishment of an IL-2 stimulated T-lymphocyte culture and storage of cell pellets for the purpose of lysosomal enzyme testing
Residual enzyme activity below 15% of the mean of the reference range cannot be reliably detected by this assay. Type and age of onset of symptoms as well as additional diagnostic testing may be needed to confirm severity of disease present
Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (3 mL whole blood min) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
Alternate: Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
Primary tube must remain at room temperature at all times
All samples SHOULD arrive before 14:00h and have been collected NO LONGER than 48 hours prior to arrival
It is recommended that patients go to ACH OP Lab for specimen collection
The 3.0 mL of whole blood will be sufficient to test for multiple lysosomal enzymes in T-lymphocytes, if requested
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Requests for testing should be supported by a high index of clinical suspicion specific to the disorder in question
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated
-Any aliquot tube is received
-Any sample other than whole blood is submitted
Alpha-Mannosidase   Investigation of alpha-Mannosidosis (a.k.a., alpha-mannosidase deficiency) - a lysosomal storage disorder A-MAN-P "Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics" 30 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Alpha-mannosidase activity is measured fluorometrically using a 4-methylumbelliferyl-linked substrate   Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.25 mL plasma min) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
Alternate: Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
It is recommended that the patient go to ACH OP Lab for specimen collection
If multiple lysosomal enzymes are requested on plasma, a minimum of 0.25 mL plasma is required for each enzyme requested
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Requests for testing should be supported by a high index of clinical suspicion specific to the disorder in question, and/or by the results of an abnormal Oligosaccharides Screen, Urine (UAH: OLIGO) and evidence from additional send-out testing
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
-Serum is submitted"
Alpha-Thalassemia / Mental Retardation, X-linked XNP   SUNQUEST: ATRX-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Sequence Analysis Sequence analysis of exons 7,8 and 9 only Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Amino Acid Quantitation   Possible inborn errors of amino acid metabolism, especially nonketotic hyperglycinemia and serine biosynthesis defects
CSF/plasma glycine ratio required for diagnosis of glycine encephalopathy (nonketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH))
SFAAQ University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 7 days
Test performed Monday to Friday
Contact for priority turn-around
    Cerebrospinal Fluid Collect 1.0 mL (Minimum test volume 500 µL) Sterile plastic screw-cap vial for Cerebrospinal Fluid
Freeze immediately
This test should be ordered in conjunction with plasma amino acid quantitation. The specimens for both tests should be collected at the same time
For accurate interpretation of the ratio, a plasma sample collected within 24 hrs of the CSF collection is required
Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Please ensure all required information is provided on the requisition
    Investigation of disorders of amino acid metabolism with specific neurologic presentations (e.g., nonketotic hyperglycinemia, serine biosynthesis disorders, GABA transaminase deficiency) AA-C Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 7 days
Test performed on daily basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Amino acids are detected using an Amino Acid Analyzer with internal standard Metabolites reported:
phosphoserine, taurine, phosphoethanolamine, aspartic acid, hydroxyproline, threonine, serine, asparagine, glutamic acid, glutamine, sarcosine, alpha-aminoadipic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, citrulline, alpha-aminobutyric acid, valine, cystine, methionine, cystathionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, beta-alanine, phenylalanine, beta-aminoisobutyric acid, homocystine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, ethanolamine, hydroxylysine, ornithine, lysine, 1-methylhistidine, histidine, tryptophan, 3-methylhistidine, anserine, carnosine, arginine
Cerebrospinal Fluid Collect 0.25 mL Sterile plastic screw-cap vial for Cerebrospinal Fluid
Preference is to use second CSF collection vial with no visible blood contamination
Indicate specimen type on label
This test should be ordered in conjunction with Amino Acids - Plasma (ACH)
Both samples should be collected simultaneously
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
    Possible inborn errors of metabolism. May help in evaluation of endocrine disorders, liver diseases, muscle diseases, neoplastic diseases, neurological diseases, nutritional disturbances, renal failure, and burns AAQ University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 7 days
Test performed Monday to Friday
Contact for priority turn-around
  Metabolites reported:
taurine, aspartic acid, threonine, serine, asparagine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, alanine, citrulline, alpha-amniobutyric acid, valine, cystine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylanine, tryptophan, ornithine, lysine, histidine, arginine
Blood Collect 1 x 4.5 mL (3 mL whole blood or 1 mL pediatric min) Lithium Heparin PST Gel (Light Green)
Separate plasma. A minimum of 700uL of plasma must be submitted for testing
Freeze plasma immediately
Requires a minimum 4h fast;or just before the next feed for newborns. Physician test requests on non-fasted samples from known metabolic patients are also acceptable Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Please ensure all required information is provided on the requisition
Specimen Rejection Criteria:
-Serum will not be accepted.
-Grossly hemolyzed specimens
-Plasma not received frozen
    Investigation of disorders of amino acid metabolism
This test may also be ordered to rule out the possibility of these disorders in a patient being assessed for the ketogenic diet
This test may also be used to monitor known patients with certain amino acid disorders that are on diet-modified treatment
Disorders Detectable by Amino Acid Analysis:
-maple syrup urine disease (MSUD)
-propionic Acidemia (PA)
-isovaleric Acidemia (IVA)
-methylmalonic Acidemia (MMA)
-nonketotic Hyperglycinemia (NKH)
-disorders of phenylalanine and tyrosine metabolism
-aminoadipic aciduria
-serine biosynthesis disorders
-disorders of ornithine and proline metabolism
-urea cycle disorders and inherited hyperammonemias-
-mitochondrial energy metabolism disorders (i.e., primary lactic acidemias)
-cystathionase deficiency
-glutamic acidemia
-glutamine synthase deficiency
AA-P Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 7 days
Test performed on daily basis
Contact for priority turn-around"
Amino acids detected using Amino Acid Analyzer with internal standard Metabolites reported:
phosphoserine, taurine, phosphoethanolamine, aspartic acid, hydroxyproline, threonine, serine, asparagine, glutamic acid, glutamine, sarcosine, alpha-aminoadipic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, citrulline, alpha-aminobutyric acid, valine, cystine, methionine, cystathionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, beta-alanine, phenylalanine, beta-aminoisobutyric acid, homocystine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, ethanolamine, hydroxylysine, ornithine, lysine, 1-methylhistidine, histidine, tryptophan, 3-methylhistidine, anserine, carnosine, arginine
This test is not a reliable method for detecting and quantitating homocystine, as levels can be altered depending on the length of time between sample collection and analysis, as well as the presence of an interfering peak that falsely suggests elevated homocystine. Recommend ordering Homocysteine, Total - Blood (ACH) or Homocysteine, Total - Urine (ACH) for evaluation of homocytine levels
Similarly, various medications can lead to ninhydrin-positive peaks that interfere with the identification and quantitation of certain amino acids. It is recommend that all current medications being take at the time of specimen collection be provided in the reason for referral
Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.25 mL min) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
Alternate: Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST) /td>
Collect following a minimum four-hour fast; or just before next feed for newborns
Indicate length of fast, or time of last feeding on the requisition (with collection time)
Physician test requests from known metabolic patients (non-fasting) are also acceptable
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
-Serum is submitted
    Evaluating disorders of amino acid transport and a few select disorders of amino acid metabolism Amino Acids Screen, urine UAAQ University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetic 7 days
Test performed Monday to Friday
Contact for priority turn-around
    Urine Collect 5 to 10 mL (1.0 mL min) random urine specimen in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
Test requires creatinine result for interpretation
Urine amino acids screen is done initially and quantitation ordered if indicated
Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Plasma amino acids is the recommended test for primary investigation. Include family history, clinical condition, diet and drug therapy information on the requistition
    Investigation of disorders of amino acid transport (e.g., cystinuria, Hartnup disorder) and selected disorders of amino acid metabolism that require confirmation and/or additional metabolite identification/discrimination
Primary Disorders Detectable by Urine Amino Acid Analysis*:
-Hartnup disorder
-disorders of pyrimidine metabolism
-alpha-aminoadipic aciduria
-dibasic aminoaciduria
-HHH syndrome
-lysinuric protein intolerance
-argininosuccinic aciduria (argininosuccinate lyase deficiency)
-dicarboxylic aminoaciduria
-cystathionase deficiency
-familial renal iminoglycinuria
-Secondary Disorders Detectable by Urine Amino Acid Analysis*:
-Fanconi syndrome
-Vitamin D-dependent rickets
*Further confirmatory testing is required for many of these conditions, as nonspecific findings and overlapping patterns may prevent definitive diagnosis in specific cases
AA-U Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 14 days
Test performed on daily basis
Contact for priority turn-around 
Amino acids are detected using an Amino Acid Analyzer with internal standard This test should not be used as a frontline test for disorders of amino acid metabolism; recommend Amino Acids - Plasma (ACH) as a frontline test
Metabolites reported:
phosphoserine, taurine, phosphoethanolamine, aspartic acid, hydroxyproline, threonine, serine, asparagine, glutamic acid, glutamine, sarcosine, alpha-aminoadipic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, citrulline, alpha-aminobutyric acid, valine, cystine, methionine, cystathionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, beta-alanine, phenylalanine, beta-aminoisobutyric acid, homocystine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, ethanolamine, hydroxylysine, ornithine, lysine, 1-methylhistidine, histidine, tryptophan, 3-methylhistidine, anserine, carnosine, arginine
This test is not a reliable method for detecting and quantitating homocystine, as levels can be altered depending on the length of time between sample collection and analysis, as well as the presence of an interfering peak that falsely suggests elevated homocystine. Recommend ordering Homocysteine, Total - Blood (ACH) or Homocysteine, Total - Urine (ACH) for evaluation of homocytine levels.
Similarly, various medications can lead to ninhydrin-positive peaks that interfere with the identification and quantitation of certain amino acids. It is recommend that all current medications being take at the time of specimen collection be provided in the reason for referral
Urine Collect 5 to 10 mL (1.0 mL min) random urine specimen in plain urine container
If sample is transferred to a secondary aliquot tube or container, write ""random urine"" on label
Freeze immediately
Alternate: Min 10 mL 24 hour urine collection container (NO ADDITIVE)
Instruct patient to ensure to place 24 hour urine collection container into freezer immediately after each void throughout the 24 hour collection period
24 hour Urine Collection:
1. Thaw 24hr urine specimen
2. Measure total volume
3. Enter TVOL on requisiton
4. Send 10 mL aliquot of urine; write ""24hr urine, Tvol #L"" on the label
5. Freeze aliquot This test has limited clinical utility for investigating disorders of amino acid metabolism, and therefore Amino Acids - Plasma (ACH) is recommended
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Samples will be rejected if:
-Aliquot received thawed
-Sample type not written on aliquot tube label
Aminoglycoside-Induced Ototoxicity MTRNR1   SUNQUEST: MTRNR1-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Sequence Analysis Detects mutation m.1555A>G Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis SOD1, C9ORF72 Lou Gehrigs Disease
SUNQUEST: ALS-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks PCR and sequence analysis Sequence Analysis for SOD1: Full gene sequencing
PCR for C9ORF72: Two PCR reactions to detect repeats in the 4 - 60 range
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
-Dx - Neurology
-Presymptomatic - Genetics
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia / Cardiomyopathy TMEM43 ARVC
SUNQUEST: ARVC5-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Detects the c.1073C>T (NFLD mutation) Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics and Cardiology
Arylsulfatase A, T-lymphocyte   Investigation of Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (a.k.a., arylsulfatase A deficiency) - a lysosomal storage disorder
Can also be used for the further investigation of multiply sulfatase deficiency based on initial laboratory investigations showing abnormal urine glycosaminoglycan (i.e., dermatan and heparan sulfate elevations) and reduced iduronate 2-sulfatase activity
ASA Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 45 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Arylsulfatase A activity is measured spectrophotometrically using a p-nitrocatechol sulphate-linked substrate The establishment of an IL-2 stimulated T-lymphocyte culture and storage of cell pellets for the purposes of Lysosomal Enzyme Testing Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (3 mL whole blood min) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
Alternate: Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
Primary tube must remain at room temperature at all times
Collected NO LONGER than 48 hours prior to arrival
It is recommended that patients go to ACH OP Lab for specimen collection
The 3.0 mL of whole blood will be sufficient to test for multiple lysosomal enzymes in T-lymphocytes, if requested
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Requests for testing should be supported by a high index of clinical suspicion specific to the disorder in question
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not kept at room temperature
-Any aliquot tube is received.
-Any sample other than whole blood is submitted
Ataxia Telangiectasia ATM   SUNQUEST: MDG-; APPEND TET NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS and Exon Level Array CGH NGS: Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS.
aCGH: Deletion/duplication testing is performed at single exon-level resolution
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics and Neurology



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
BAP1 Tumor Predisposition Syndrome BAP1   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition Order Restrictions: Genetics
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome BBS1, BBS2, ARL6 (BBS3), BBS5, MKKS (BBS6), BBS10   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Targeted testing is available for 10 common pathogenic variants:
BBS1, c.1169T>G (NM_024649.4)
Newfoundland population:
-BBS2, c.72C>G (NM_031885.2)
-ARL6 (BBS3), c.505G>C (NM_001323513.1)
-BBS5, c.522+3A>G (NM_152384.2)
-MKKS (BBS6), c.281delT, c.429_434del6insTT and c.830T>C (NM_018848)
-BBS10, c.271dup and c.952_957del (NM_024685)
Hutterite population:
-BBS2, c.472-2A>G (NM_031885)
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome CDKN1C, locus 11p15 BWS CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks 11p15 methylation sensitive MLPA, CDKN1C sanger sequencing 11p15 methylation sensitive MLPA: Designed to detect abnormal methylation of the two imprinted domains located within the chromosome 11p15 BWS/RSS gene cluster as well as deletions and duplications within the 11p15 region. This assay will detect UPD11
CDKN1C sanger sequencing: Analysis of all coding regions of CDKN1C
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Beta-Galactosidase, T-lymphocyte   Investigation of beta-galactosidase deficiency leading to either Morquio B Syndrome (a.k.a., mucopolysaccharidosis type VI) or GM1 Gangliosidosis (a.k.a., Landing disease) - lysosomal storage disorders B-GAL Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 45 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Beta-Galactosidase activity is measured fluorometrically using a 4-methylumbelliferyl-linked substrate This procedure involves the establishment of an IL-2 stimulated T-lymphocyte culture and storage of cell pellets for the purposes of lysosomal enzyme testing Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (3 mL whole blood min) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
Alternate: Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
Primary tube must remain at room temperature at all times
Collected NO LONGER than 48 hours prior to arrival
It is recommended that patients go to ACH OP Lab for specimen collection
The 3.0 mL of whole blood will be sufficient to test for multiple lysosomal enzymes in T-lymphocytes, if requested
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not kept at room temperature
-Any aliquot tube is received.
-Any sample other than whole blood is submitted
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Requests for testing should be supported by a high index of clinical suspicion specific to the disorder in question
Beta-Glucosidase, T-lymphocyte   Investigation of Gaucher Disease (a.k.a., acid beta-glucosidase deficiency, glucocerebrosidase deficiency) - a lysosomal storage disorder B-GLU Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 45 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
beta-Glucosidase activity is measured fluorometrically using a 4-methylumbelliferyl-linked substrate This procedure involves the establishment of an IL-2 stimulated T-lymphocyte culture and storage of cell pellets for the purposes of lysosomal enzyme testing Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (3 mL whole blood min) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
Alternate: Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
Primary tube must remain at room temperature at all times
Collected NO LONGER than 48 hours prior to arrival
It is recommended that patients go to ACH OP Lab for specimen collection
The 3.0 mL of whole blood will be sufficient to test for multiple lysosomal enzymes in T-lymphocytes, if requested
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not kept at room temperature
-Any aliquot tube is received.
-Any sample other than whole blood is submitted
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Requests for testing should be supported by a high index of clinical suspicion specific to the disorder in question
Beta-Mannosidase   Investigation of beta-Mannosidosis - a lysosomal storage disorder B-MAN-P Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 30 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Beta-mannosidase activity is measured fluorometrically using a 4-methylumbelliferyl-linked substrate   Blood "Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.25 mL plasma min) sodium heparin tube (dark green)
Alternate: Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
It is recommended that patients go to ACH OP Lab for specimen collection
If multiple lysosomal enzymes are requested on plasma, a minimum of 0.25 mL plasma is required for each enzyme requested
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
-Serum is submitted
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Requests for testing should be supported by a high index of clinical suspicion specific to the disorder in question and/or by the results of an abnormal Oligosaccharides Screen, Urine (UAH) and evidence from additional send-out testing
Biotinidase   Diagnosis of biotinidase deficiency based on clinical presentation or as a confirmatory test for screen positive newborns BIOT-S, BIOT-P Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 21 days
Test is performed on a biweekly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Biotinidase activity is measured based on the amount of lysine liberated from the biocytin substrate using an amino acid analyzer Partial deficiency or carriers may have activity at the low end of the reference interval
Prematurity can lead to decreased enzymatic activity within the first days to weeks of life, and chronic liver dysfunction can also lead to decreased activity
Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.5 mL serum or plasma min) Non-additive (red top - NOT SST)
-Sodium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
-Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Biotinidase Quantitation, plasma   Diagnosis of biotinidase deficiency BTDQ University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 10 days
Test performed Monday to Friday
    Blood Collect 1 x 2 mL (200 uL plasma or serum min) Lithium Heparin PST Gel (LIGHT GREEN) or SST Gel No Additive (GOLD)
Spin, separate and freeze plasma (or serum) within one hour of collection
  Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Please ensure all required information is provided on the requisition
Birt-Hogg-Dube / Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax FLCN   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Oncology and Respirology.
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Bowen-Conradi Syndrome EMG1   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Designed to detect c.257A>G (NM_006331) in the Hutterite population Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics and Neonatology
BRAF Mutation Analysis BRAF Investigation of colon (therapy and HNPCC) cancers and melanoma   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test set-up on Monday and Wednesday (excluding statutory holidays)
PCR followed by capillary electrophoresis For Colorectal Cancer:
DNA extraction from FFPE samples is performed using the QIAGEN QIAsymphony DSP DNA mini kit. Analysis for BRAF, KRAS, NRAS mutations is performed after PCR amplification using a single base extension technique (SNaPshot multiplex kit by Life Technologies) and capillary electrophoresis on the 3130 Genetic Analyzer. This multiplexed assay is capable of detecting mutations at BRAF codon 600 and KRAS/NRAS codons 12, 13, 61, 117, and 146
The estimated sensitivity of this assay is 10%
For Melanoma:
DNA extraction from FFPE samples is performed using the QIAGEN QIAsymphony DSP DNA mini kit. Analysis for BRAF mutations is performed after PCR amplification using a single base extension technique (SNaPshot multiplex kit by Life Technologies) and capillary electrophoresis on the 3130 Genetic Analyzer. This multiplexed assay is capable of detecting mutations at BRAF codon 600
The estimated sensitivity of this assay is 5%
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block is preferred. Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin as well as five 10-micron non-baked unstained slides can be submitted
Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report
  MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Breast Ovarian Cancer Panel, Core BRCA1, BRCA2, CDH1, PTEN, STK11, TP53 HBOC
Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing
University of Alberta Hospital or Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   For UAH, maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Gynecological Oncology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Breast Ovarian Cancer Panel, Extended ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, BRIP1, CDH1, CHEK2, NBN, PALB2, PTEN, RAD51C, RAD51D, STK11, TP53  
Busulfan   Patients undergoing stem cell transplantation and on Busulfan therapy protocol CERNER: L-BUSULFEOI, L-BUSULF1HR, L-BUSULF3HR, L-BUSULF5HR, L-BUSULF7HR Tom Baker Cancer Center Pharmacokinetics Same day
Prior arrangement is required before ordering
HPLC DAD   Blood Collect 1 mL plasma Sodium heparin (dark green - NOT PST) for each timed collection post infusion : 5 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, 5 hours, 7 hours Immediately after each specimen collection, centrifuge blood specimen at 10oC for 10 minutes
Transfer plasma into a plastic aliquot tube
Call Pharmacokinetics Laboratory 403-521-3442 in advance of collection Write Na Hep plasma on the aliquot tube label
Freeze aliquot at -20oC
Direct order through SCM
Order Restrictions: Can be ordered only by Bone Marrow Transplant Unit Physician


C part 1

Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
CADASIL NOTCH3   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Sanger sequencing of exons 2-6, 11 and 18 of the NOTCH3 gene (NM_000435) Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Calreticulin CalR     University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test set-up Monday, bi-weekly
PCR followed by capillary electrophoresis After DNA extraction, PCR amplification for CalR gene is performed in a single tube using fluorescently labeled primers. Amplification products are subjected to fragment analysis by capillary electrophoresis using ABI 3130 genetic analyzer. Results were analyzed by Genemapper v3.2 software.
The analytical sensitivity of this assay is 5%
Blood Collect 2 x 4 mL EDTA (lavender) tubes. One tube for CBC/differential and one tube for Molecular Pathology Any peripheral blood requests will require a CBC and differential to be ordered and processed as per local handling practices
Must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Bone Marrow Collect 1 x 4 mL (2 mL min) EDTA (lavender) tube Must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
Carney Complex PRKAR1A   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Carnitine - Total and Free   Investigation of a systemic carnitine deficiency due to an underlying primary (i.e., carnitine uptake defect due to OCTN2 deficiency) or secondary (e.g., MCAD deficiency, organic acidurias) cause
This test can also be used to evaluate the potential of a secondary carnitine deficiency due to nutritional inadequacy (e.g., vegan diet, total parenteral nutrition), increased metabolic demand (e.g., ketogenic diet), reduced intestinal absorption (e.g., short bowel syndrome) or increased loss (e.g., Fanconi syndrome, hemodialysis) 
This test can also be used to monitor known metabolic patients on carnitine supplementation therapy
CARN-P, CARN-S Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 14 days
Test is performed on a weekly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Liquid Chromatography, Electrospray-Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with a deuterium-labelled internal standard Determination of plasma or serum total and free carnitine levels, with calculated acylcarnitine fraction, enables the identification of a systemic carnitine deficiency (i.e., significantly low total and free carnitine levels with or without low acylcarnitine fraction, depending on underlying cause). Other alterations of total, free and/or acyl component measures of the test can be influenced by a patient’s underlying pathology, nutritional status as well as the application of carnitine supplementation therapy, and therefore such information should be provided on the requisition. Follow up testing of abnormal results may include recommendations for evaluation of the patient’s nutritional status, dietary predilections, current treatment and/or assessment of renal function
This test may be reflexively performed on a sample in which a result from Acylcarnitine
Profile (ACH) is suggestive of low free carnitine (a metabolite monitored but not reported by that test)
Acylcarnitine Profile (ACH) testing may be reflexively performed based on evidence of unexplained increased acylcarnitine accumulation
Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.25 mL plasma or serum min) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
-Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
-Non-additive (red top - NOT SST)
Collect following a minimum four-hour fast; or just before next feed for newborns
Indicate length of fast, or time of last feeding on the requisition (with collection time)
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
    Further investigation of a patient with clear evidence of a systemic carnitine deficiency based on low plasma/serum total and free carnitine levels, to determine whether the cause of their deficiency is due to specific renal loss (i.e., carnitine uptake defect) or generalized renal insufficiency. Differentiating between primary and secondary cause can be evaluated by calculating fractional carnitine excretion CARN-U Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 30 days
Test is performed on a biweekly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Liquid Chromatography, Electrospray-Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with a deuterium-labelled internal standard   Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (1 mL min) random urine sample plain urine container
If specimen is transferred to secondary aliquot tube or container, write "urine" on label Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
Cat-eye Syndrome 22q11.2 COMT, HIRA, CECR2, IL17R   SUNQUEST: MDG-; APPEND TET NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Real-Time PCR Detects deletions and duplications Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
CCND1 t(11;14) by FISH CCND1 Investigation of mantle cell lymphoma   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology Test performed Monday to Friday FISH   Paraffin-Embedded Tissue A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block is preferred. Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin as well as six 4- micron baked (2 hours at 60°C) unstained charged slides can be submitted
provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report
Sodium heparin samples must be received within 48 hours of collection.
On Fridays, samples must arrive prior to 1200H
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Molecular Pathology assesses sample integrity and pre-analytical processes for formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues
Blood and Bone Marrow Collect 1 x 4 mL sodium heparin (green) tube - no plasma separator
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease type 1A PMP22 CMT1A CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA and Sanger sequencing MLPA: Designed to detect deletions and duplications, including the common 1.5-Mb duplication at 17p11.2 that accounts for 70-80% of individuals with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease type 1A
Sanger sequencing: Analysis of all coding regions of PMP22
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - No restrictions
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics, Neurology
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease type 1B MPZ CMT1B CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA and Sanger sequencing Sanger sequencing: Analysis of all coding regions of MPZ
MLPA: Designed to detect deletions and duplications
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - No restrictions
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics, Neurology
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease X type 1 Cx32 aka GJB1 CMTX1 CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA and Sanger sequencing "Sanger sequencing: Analysis of all coding regions of GJB1 MLPA: Designed to detect deletions and duplications" Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - No restrictions
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics, Neurology
Choroideremia CHM   SUNQUEST: MDG-; APPEND TET NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA and Sanger sequencing Sanger Sequencing: Coding region of CHM gene
MLPA: Detects partial or whole gene deletions and duplications
Blood, DNA (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Chromosomal Microarray (CMA)   Prenatal primary indications for ultrasound anomaly(ies) and nuchal translucency greater than or equal to 3.5 mm
Karyotype, amniotic fluid
Cytogenetic testing, amniotic fluid
Comparative genomic hybridization, amniotic fluid Array CGH, amniotic fluid
CMAA (IN SUNQUEST), CGLNON (IN CERNER) University of Alberta Hospital or Alberta Children's Hospital Cytogenetics 2 weeks Chromosomal Microarray   Amniotic Fluid Collect minimum of 25.0 mL sterile polypropylene centrifuge tube It is recommended that at the time of submission of the amniotic fluid, a blood sample on each parent should be collected and forwarded to the laboratory for possible parental studies
All specimens should be received in the laboratory on the day of collection
For UAH, specimens received on a Friday after 3:00pm will not get CMA on direct (uncultured specimen); CMA will be performed on cultured cells
For ACH, specimens are received Monday through Friday: 8:00am to 4:15pm. Specimens received at the lab after 2:00pm will be processed the next working day 
MUST be submitted on a Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) Requisition form
Ensure all sections of the requisition are complete
Any amniotic fluid sample arriving with a request for only CMA testing, will have pre-analytical Rapid Aneuploidy Detection (RAD) testing added, and possibly reflex Karyotype testing if there is an abnormal RAD result, and any CVS sample will have pre-analytical RAD as well as Karyotype testing added
Restricted to Obstetricians, Gynecologists or Geneticists
For Possible Parental Studies, all requests MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition form for CG North and for CG South, a Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) requisition form above 
    Prenatal primary indications for ultrasound anomaly(ies) and nuchal translucency greater than or equal to 3.5 mm
Comparative Genomic Hybridization, chorionic villus sampling Array CGH, chorionic villus sampling
CMACV (IN SUNQUEST), CGLNON (IN CERNER) University of Alberta Hospital or Alberta Children's Hospital Cytogenetics 3 weeks Chromosomal Microarray   Chorionic Villus Sampling Adequate amount of chorionic villi sampling to generate 15 mg minimum of typical villi after cleaning using sterile polypropylene centrifuge tube containing CVS transport media
If request includes CMA and additional Molecular testing, 25 mg minimum of typical villi after cleaning
    Prenatal primary indications for ultrasound anomaly(ies) and nuchal translucency greater than or equal to 3.5 mm
Fetal Tissue Array
Comparative Genomic Hybridization, tissue (fetal) Array CGH, tissue
CMATS (IN SUNQUEST) University of Alberta Hospital Cytogenetics 6 weeks Chromosomal Microarray   Fetal Tissues Collect minimum 1 cm3 preferred tissue specimen (umbilical cord, skin, spleen, lung, thymus, kidney or muscle) sterile 15 mL or 50 mL polypropylene centrifuge tube with NO fixative (DO NOT put tissue specimen in formalin) and refrigerate Ship fresh tissue sample at 4 - 8oC within 48 hours of time of collection If unable to ship for receipt in lab in less than 48 hours from time of collection, freeze tissue sample with NO fixative and ship frozen specimen on dry ice
Other samples are acceptable but quality of DNA obtained may not be optimal for this assay i.e., products of conception or placental tissue
MUST be submitted on a Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) Requisition form Ensure all sections of the requisition are complete
Restricted to Pediatricians, Pediatric Specialists, or Geneticists
    Fetal Tissue Array CGLNON (IN CERNER) Alberta Children's Hospital Cytogenetics 6 weeks Chromosomal Microarray   Tissues Collect minimum 1 cm3 preferred tissue specimen (umbilical cord, skin, spleen, lung, thymus, kidney or muscle) sterile 15 mL or 50 mL polypropylene centrifuge tube with NO fixative (DO NOT put tissue specimen in formalin) and refrigerate For skin biopsy or surgical specimens, collect minimum sample required, DO NOT freeze, transport as quickly as possible
If only placenta has been received by ACH Anatomical Pathology, a sample of the umbilical cord is preferred over a placenta sample
Ship specimens at 4 - 8oC
Placental or products of conception are at risk of maternal cell contamination and will be tested as a last resort if they are the only sample available. If the ONLY specimen sent are products of conception (POCs): Maternal cell contamination testing may be required to proceed with CMA testing, and may be requested once RAD testing is reported. If required, please submit a maternal blood sample (5mL EDTA and 5mL NaHep) with a Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) requisition form indicating 'for MCC studies'. Please also indicate the fetal patient information on the form
MUST be submitted on a Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) Requisition form 
Ensure all sections of the requisition are complete
Restricted to Pediatricians, Pediatric Specialists, or Geneticists for biopsies. Obstetricians, Pathologists and Geneticists for fetal tissues
Multiple tissue specimens from a patient require a separate requisition for each specimen
    Postnatal primary indication for isolated autism, isolated developmental delay, developmental delay and additional clinical features, congenital anomaly(ies) Comparative Genomic Hybridization, blood Array CGH, blood CMAB (IN SUNQUEST), CGLMA (IN CERNER) University of Alberta Hospital or Alberta Children's Hospital Cytogenetics 4 weeks, Expedited 2 weeks Chromosomal Microarray   Blood For Patients >1 year of age - Collect 3.0 to 5.0 mL (1.0 mL min) in each of the required EDTA lavender) AND Sodium heparin tubes (dark green - NOT PST)
For Patients
Ship at room temperature. Specimens must be received by the Laboratory within 7 days of collection MUST be submitted on a Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) Requisition form
Ensure all sections of the requisition are complete
Restricted to Pediatricians, Pediatric Specialists, or Geneticists
For Products of Conception (POC’s) or Placental Tissues, a maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) and a completed Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition (Edmonton) must also be submitted


C part 2

Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Chromosome Analysis / Karyotype   Constitutional Cytogenetics 
Short-term DNA Storage
CGLNON (IN CERNER) Alberta Children's Hospital Cytogenetics Routine 4 weeks, Stat 1 week
Test set-up routinely Monday, Tuesday and Friday
    Blood Collect 1 - 2 mL peripheral or cord blood for patient 6 months in a Sodium Heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)   Must be accompanied by a completed Constitutional Cytogenetics Requisition
Ensure all relevant sections of the requisition are complete
    Constitutional Cytogenetics 
Short-term DNA Storage 
CGLNON (IN CERNER)  Alberta Children's Hospital Cytogenetics  2 weeks
Test set-up routinely Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays)
    Amniotic Fluid 10 – 20 mL in sterile centrifuge tubes
For possible microarray, minimum of 25 mL split into 3 centrifuge tubes
Amniotic Fluid samples received for Karyotype testing will have the test cancelled and Rapid Aneuploidy Detection (RAD) testing will be performed instead
If RAD testing is abnormal, karyotype testing will then be added on as a reflex test
If a sample is received with indicating a family history of chromosomal abnormality or follow up chromosomal analysis, karyotype testing may be performed at the discretion of the Cytogeneticist
Must be accompanied by a completed Constitutional Cytogenetics Requisition
Ensure all relevant sections of the requisition are complete 
    3 weeks
Test set-up routinely Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays)
    Chorionic Villi 10 – 30 mg in sterile container with transport media
For possible microarray, minimum of 15 mg
Chorionic Villi will also include RAD testing with karyotype testing
    Constitutional Cytogenetics 
Cryopreservation of Cultured Cells
CGLNON (IN CERNER) Alberta Children's Hospital Cytogenetics 4 weeks
Test set-up routinely Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays)
    Tissues Fibroblasts (skin biopsy, fresh surgical specimens) Sterile container containing transport media
Alternate: Sterile container containing RPMI media
DO NOT put tissue is formailn. DO NOT freeze specimen
Fibroblasts (skin biopsy, fresh surgical specimens)
For stillborn / POC fetal or placental tissues, refer to Rapid Aneuploidy Detection (RAD), fetal tissue
Transport specimen at ambient temperature if within 1 hour of time of collection. If transport is delayed, transport at 4 - 8oC
Must be accompanied by a completed Constitutional Cytogenetics Requisition
Ensure all relevant sections of the requisition are complete
If a Chromosomal Microarray Analysis will also be requested on cultured tissue, also provide a completed Chromosomal Microarray (CMA) Requisition form
Multiple specimens from a patient require separate requsition for each specimen
Chromosome Breakage Studies   Fanconi Anemia CGLBL (IN CERNER) Alberta Children's Hospital Cytogenetics 1 week
Test set-up routinely Monday, Tuesday and Friday
    Blood Collect peripheral or cord blood in sodium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
Newborn to 6 months: 1 - 2 mL
6 months to Adult: 3 - 4 mL
Store whole blood specimen at room temperature Must be accompanied by a completed Constitutional Cytogenetics Requisition
Ensure all relevant sections of the requisition are complete
CLL FISH Panel   Cancer cytogenetics CBUN (CO PATH) Alberta Children's Hospital Cytogenetics 3 weeks
Test set-up routinely Monday to Friday
    Blood Collect 2.0 to 4.0 mL (1.0 mL min) blood in a sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST) Specimens should be received in the laboratory within 24 hours of time of collection
Specimen MUST remain at room temperature
Must be accompanied by a completed Hematology Specialty Requisition
Ensure all relevant sections of the requisition are complete
Specimens will be rejected if:
-Primary tube received refrigerated or frozen
-Any aliquot tube is received
-Specimen is clotted or hemolyzed
-Specimen is received in any tube other than sodium heparin
-Insufficient specimen volume is received
-Specimen received unlabelled
-Specimen is received without a complete requisition
Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency 2 PROP1   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Sequence Analysis Coding region of PROP1 Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia CYP21A2, CYP11B1 CAH CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA and Sanger sequencing MLPA: Detects dosage changes in CYP21A2 and CYP21P genes caused by deletions, duplications and gene conversions
Sanger sequencing: Analysis of all coding regions of CYP21A2 and CYP11B1
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Endocrinology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome PHOX2B   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Congenital Stationary Night Blindness CACNA1F CSNB CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Designed to detect c.3166dupC (NM_005183) in the Mennonite population Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Costello Syndrome HRAS   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Sanger sequencing Sanger sequencing of the coding region of HRAS Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Craniosynostosis Panel FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3, TWIST   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Targeted Sanger sequence analysis of exons with reported pathogenic variants in panel genes Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     "MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Perinatology and Pediatrics
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics"
CYLD Cutaneous Syndrome CYLD     Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Cystic Fibrosis CFTR Male Factor Infertility SUNQUEST: CF-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 8 weeks Targeted Mutation Analysis, Sequence and MLPA/Real Time Targeted Mutation Analysis: 67 mutation CF kit + polyT
Sequence and MLPA/Real Time: Full sequencing of coding region. Including detection of intron 8 TG tract for 5T carriers. MLPA/Real Time for detection of exon duplications and deletions
MLPA/Real time only: Targeted deletion testing
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Full sequencing - Genetics, Respirology; Prenatal - Perinatal Clinic
Cystine Screen     UCYST University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 14 days
Test performed Monday to Friday
    Urine Collect 5.0 ml (1.0 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
Positive tests will be confirmed by urine amino acid quantitation Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Please ensure all required information is provided on the requisition
Cystinuria / Homocystinuria Screen   Initial investigation of disorders resulting in increased excretion of thiol-containing metabolites (i.e., homocystinuria and cystinuria).
This test should not be used to monitor known homocystinuria or cytinuria patients on treatment as this is a qualitative test
NP-U Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 8 days
Test performed on a weekly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Increased urinary homocystine or cystine excretion is detected colorimetrically with the addition of sodium cyanide and sodium nitroprusside. Positive and negative controls are run with patient samples A positive nitroprusside test indicating the presence of either increased urine homocystine or cystine will result in reflexively tested amino acid and total homocysteine measurements on this sample, volume permitting Urine Collect 5 to 10 mL (1.0 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
If specimen is transferred to secondary aliquot tube or container, write "urine" on label Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary container or aliquot tube received thawed
-Sample type not written on aliquot tube label
Cystinuria Investigation   Diagnostic confirmation and monitoring of patients with cystinuria UAACR University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 7 days
Test performed Monday to Friday
    Urine Collect 2.0 ml (1.0 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
Test requires creatinine result for interpretation  



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Deafness, Neurosensory; DFNB1 GJB2 Connexin 26 (FJB2-Related DFNB 1 Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss and Deafness) SUNQUEST: MDG-; APPEND TET NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Sequence Analysis Sequencing of exon 2 Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)
  A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Deafness, Hereditary non-syndromic GJB6 Connexin 30 (GJB6-Related DFNB 1 Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss and Deafness)
MTRNR1-Related Hearing Loss and Deafness
Non-Syndrome Hearing Loss
SUNQUEST: MDG-; APPEND TET NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Real-Time PCR / Long range PCR Detects common 309 kb and 232kb deletions Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Dentatorubral-Pallidoluysian Atrophy ATN1 DRPLA CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks PCR sizing and repeat-primed PCR Detects and sizes normal, premutation and the majority of expanded pathogenic alleles; very large expanded pathogenic alleles will be detected by repeat-primed PCR but sizing will not be available Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
DICER1-Related Disorders DICER1     Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Dilated Cardiomyopathy with Ataxia DNAJC19 3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria Type 5
CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Sanger sequencing, including targeted sequence analysis Sanger Sequencing: Analysis all of coding regions of gene DNAJC19
Targeted Sequence Analysis: Designed to detect c.130-1G>C (NM_145261) in the Hutterite population
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy DMD   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA Detects deletions and duplications Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology, Pediatrics and Cardiology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Dysequilibrium Syndrome VLDLR Cerebellar Ataxia, Mental Retardation and Dysequilibrium Syndrome CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Sanger sequencing and targeted deletion analysis by PCR Sanger sequencing: Analysis all of coding regions of VLDLR
PCR: Designed to detect the common 199kb deletion in the Hutterite population
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics and Neurology



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
EGFR Amplification by FISH   Investigation of gliomas   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test set-up on Tuesday
FISH Slides are cut from paraffin block and are deparaffinized in xylene and dehydrated in ethanol. Specimen pretreatment is performed using SPoT-Light Tissue Pretreatment Kit (Life Technologies) and fluorescence in situ hybridization is performed using Vysis probes (Abbott Molecular Inc.) Vysis EGFR / CEP 7 FISH Probes hybridize to chromosome 7p12 and chromosome 7p11.1q11.1 (alpha satellites), therefore detecting increased copy number and amplification of the EGFR gene, as well as chromosome 7 polysomy. In normal cells, there is an equal number of red and green signals (ratio EGFR to CEP7 <1.2), but in abnormal cells a ratio of EGFR to CEP7 >=1.2 and >=10% of cells showing more than 3 EGFR signals is indicative of EGFR amplification
All appropriate negative and positive controls are used. An average of 100 interphase nuclei were examined for each probe set by two observers using an Olympus Provis Fluorescence microscope system on 1000X magnification
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block is preferred. Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin as well as six 4-micron baked (2 hours at 60°C) unstained charged slides can be submitted Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Molecular Pathology assesses sample integrity and pre-analytical processes for formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues
EGFR Mutation Analysis EGFR Investigation of non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC)       Real-time PCR DNA extraction from FFPE is performed using the QIAsymphony DSP DNA Mini Kit from Qiagen (Valencia, CA.). The EGFR Mutation Assay is a Real-Time PCR assay performed using the QIAGEN EGFR RGQ PCR kit run on the Life Technologies QuantStudio instrument. This assay is capable of detecting Exon 19 deletions, L858R, L861Q, G719X (identifies but does not differentiate G719A/S/C), S768I, Exon 20 insertions, and T790M mutations
The estimated sensitivity of this assay is 1-3%
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block is preferred. Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin as well as five 10-micron non-baked unstained slides can be submitted Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Molecular Pathology assesses sample integrity and pre-analytical processes for formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues
Endocrine Disorders Panel AIP, CASR, CDC73, CDKN1B, MEN1, PRKAR1A, RET Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Endocrinology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Ewing Sarcoma by FISH EWSR1 Investigation of Ewing Sarcoma
EWSR1 gene rearrangement
  University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test set-up on Monday and Wednesday (excluding statutory holidays)
FISH Slides are cut from paraffin block and are deparaffinized in xylene and dehydrated in ethanol. Specimen pretreatment and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is performed using Vysis® (Abbott Molecular Inc.) pretreatment kit and appropriate probes as described below The LSI EWSR1 dual colour probe consists of a 500 kb SpectrumOrange (red) labeled probe that flanks the 5’ side of the EWSR1 gene, and extends inward into intron 4. The second probe is a 1100 kb SpectrumGreen (green) probe, which flanks the 3’ side of the EWSR1 gene. The known breakpoints within the EWSR1 gene are restricted to introns 7 through 10
Normal nuclei contain two red/green (yellow) fusion signals (2F). In a normal cell that lacks a t(22q12) in the EWSR1 gene region, a two fusion signal pattern will be observed. In an abnormal cell with a simple t(22q12), the expected signal pattern will be one fusion, one red and one green signal
This lab’s normal cut off is established at less than or equal to 10% of the cells showing an abnormal signal pattern. All appropriate negative and positive controls are used
An average of 100 interphase nuclei are examined independently by two observers using an Olympus Provis Fluorescence microscope system on 1000X magnification
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block is preferred. Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin as well as six 4-micron baked (2 hours at 60°C) unstained charged slides can be submitted Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Molecular Pathology assesses sample integrity and pre-analytical processes for formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Fabry Disease   Alpha-Galactosidase, leukocytes FABRY University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 10 days
Test performed Monday to Friday
    Blood Collect 1 x 6 mL or 3 mL (pediatric) Lithium Heparin (Light Green) or Sodium Heparin (Dark Green) – No Gel Edmonton Zone Patients must be scheduled by 10am for blood collection at the Kaye Edmonton Clinic
North/Central Zone Patients require a special arrangement including collection of a control sample and must phone the NMS/BG Lab (780-407-8820) in advance to discuss and scheduleMust receive samples before noon on the same day
Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Please ensure all required information is provided on the requisition
Factor V Leiden Mutation   Investigation of thrombophilia APCGN University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 1 month
Test performed on second Wednesday of each month
Real-time PCR After DNA isolation from peripheral blood sample, polymerase chain reaction is performed using the LightCycler 2.0 instrument and the Factor V Leiden kit purchased from F.Hoffman-La Roche Ltd. (Basel, Switzerland)
The assay utilizes fluorogenic target-specific hybridization for genotyping of the amplified Factor V DNA and allows the detection of a single point mutation (G to A at position 1691) of the human Factor V gene. Data analysis is performed using the software purchased from the company
Blood Collect 1 x 4 mL EDTA (lavender) tube Must be received in Molecular Pathology laboratory within 3 days of collection Must be accompanied by a completed Hematology Specialty Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Factor V Leiden mutation requests must be ordered in conjunction with APC Resistance, Plasma
Refer to Activated Protein C Resistance, plasma (APCE) for details of collection
Submit request for both tests using the Hematology Specialty Requisition
Factor XI deficiency F11   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Designed to detect p.E135X and p.F301L (NM_000128) Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Familial Acute Myeloid Leukemia Panel BEBPA, GATA2, RUNX1 Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing SUNQUEST: HCA-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology Up to 16 weeks NGS and Exon Level Array CGH NGS: Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS.
aCGH: Deletion / duplication testing is performed for those genes (except BEBPA) at single exon-level resolution
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis APC   SUNQUEST: FAP-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS and Exon Level Array CGH NGS: Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS.
aCGH: Deletion / duplication testing is performed at single exon-level resolution
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Familial Enteropathy with Villous Edema APOA4   SUNQUEST; FEVE-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Mutation Analysis Detects c.552_749dup Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia CASR FHH CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Endocrinology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Fanconi Anemia and DNA Repair Disorders Panel ATM, BLM, BRCA2, BRIP1, FANCA, FANCB, FANCC, FANCD2, FANCE, FANCF, FANCG, FANCI, FANCL, FANCM, NBN, PALB2, RAD51C, REQL4, SLX4 Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing SUNQUEST: HCA-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS and Exon Level Array CGH NGS: Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS.
aCGH: Deletion / duplication testing is performed for those genes (except NBN) at single exon-level resolution
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics, Hematology, Oncology, and Pediatrics
Fascioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy 1A D4Z4 locus FSHD CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 12-16 weeks Southern Analysis Detects deletion associated with FSHD. Haplotype analysis is NOT performed Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
ONLY available to Alberta residents
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Fecal Reducing Substances   Management of short bowel syndrome FRED University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 5 days
Test performed Monday to Friday
Benedict’s Test Does not detect sucrose
Poor sensitivity for oligosaccharides
False positive results can be seen with: Phenol, Salicylates, Chloral Hydrate, Aminoglycoside, Streptomycin, Isoniazid, Ascorbic Acid, Sulfonamide Antibiotics, Nalidixic Acid, Probenecid, Cephalosporins, Menthol, Penicillin
Stool Collect 5 mL (2 mL min) loose, random stool in sterile, screw top container
Freeze immediately
Please see Patient Collection Instructions: Fecal Reducing Substances and Fecal Sugar Identification Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Please ensure all required information is provided on the requisition
Rejection Criteria: Samples received more than 2 hours from collection not frozen must be cancelled by the collection site
If pediatric lactase deficiency is suspected, order fecal sugar identification
Fecal Sugar Identification   Pediatric lactase deficiency SUGFE University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 10 days
Test performed Monday to Friday
  Does not detect sucrose Stool Collect 5 mL (2 mL min) loose, random stool in sterile, screw top container
Freeze immediately
Please see Patient Collection Instructions: Fecal Reducing Substances and Fecal Sugar Identification
Ambient transport temperatures result in growth of bacteria which consume reducing sugars, this can yield a false negative result
Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Please ensure all required information is provided on the requisition
Rejection Criteria: Samples received more than 2 hours from collection not frozen must be cancelled by the collection site
The breath hydrogen test is also available at the University of Alberta Hospital. If sucrase deficiency is suspected, order disaccharidase panel (requires small bowel biopsy sample)
Fibroblast Culture   UAH Test   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology Set-up Monday through Friday (except for statutory holidays)     Biopsy Preferrred - biopsy placed in a sterile culture medium (RPMI or 10% MEM) that is at AMBIENT temperature
Alternative - biopsy can be placed in sterile saline. If the biospy has been placed in sterile saline, the biopsy needs to be delivered immediately to Molecular Pathology
Allow medium to warm to ambient temperature for 30 minutes prior to use
Biopsy must be received in Molecular Pathology by 1400H
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
    ACH Test  FIBROBLAST Alberta Children's Hospital Shared Genetic Laboratory Service Set-up Monday through Friday (except for statutory holidays)     Biopsy Biopsy specimen should be placed in transport media that is at AMBIENT temperature Allow medium to warm to ambient temperature for 30 minutes prior to use
Transport biopsy to Genetic Laboratory Services (ACH) during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm)
Specimen can be refrigerated if not immediately being delivered for culture set-up
Specimens can be submitted using either Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition OR Constitutional Cytogenetics Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
First Trimester Prenatal Screen   Includes pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and free B hCG to estimate risk of trisomy 21 (Down sydrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), and trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) FTPS University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 10 days
Test performed Monday to Friday
    Blood Collect min 1 mL serum in plastic 3 mL No Gel (RED) clot activator
Alternate: Plastic 5 mL SST Gel No Additive (GOLD)
Spin and separate serum into plastic transport tube
Store refrigerated. Transport at refrigerated temperature
Edmonton Zone - Maternal Serum Screen Requisition MUST accompany specimen
Please ensure that all requested information is completed
FTPS is done at 11 weeks, 2 days - 13 weeks, 6 days gestation. Acceptable CRL range 45.0 - 80.9mm
A nuchal translucency (NT) ultrasound is required and must be performed by an individual certified by the Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF) to obtain NT measurements. The NT ultrasound is required on the same day, before the blood work is collected
FLT3 FLT3 Investigation of acute myelogenous leukemias (AML)   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 3 business days (5 calendar days) for new AML
Test set-up twice a week
PCR followed by capillary electrophoresis After DNA extraction, PCR amplification is performed in two separate tubes for FLT3 and NPM1 using fluorescence labeled primers. Amplification products are subjected to fragment analysis by capillary electrophoresis using ABI 3130 genetic analyzer. Results are analyzed by Genemapper v3.2 software
The sensitivity of these assays is 5%
Blood Collect 2 x 4 mL EDTA (lavender) tubes. One tube for CBC/differential and one tube for Molecular Pathology Any peripheral blood requests will require a CBC and differential to be ordered and processed as per local handling practices
Must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
Keep samples refrigerated until ready for transport
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
CEBPA is a reflexed test that is only performed when the assay results for FLT3 / NPM1 are negative and the patient's karyotype is normal
Bone Marrow Collect 1 x 4 mL (2 mL min) EDTA (lavender) tube
Keep samples refrigerated until ready for transport
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization - FISH   Constitutional Cytogenetics     CGLBL (CERNER - FOR BLOOD) Alberta Children's Hospital Cytogenetics     Routine 4 weeks, Stat 1 week
Test set-up routinely Monday to Friday
FISH       Blood (Peripheral or Cord) Newborn to 6 months: 1 - 2 mL blood in a Sodium Heparin tube (dark green, not PST)
6 months to Adult: 3 - 4 mL blood in a Sodium Heparin tube (dark green, not PST)
DO NOT centrifuge or separate specimen
DO NOT refrigerate or freeze specimen
Store and transport whole blood specimen at room temperature
All specimens must be accompanied by a completed Constitutional Cytogenetics Requisition
Ensure all relevant sections of the requisition are complete, including indication of specific FISH probe/test
Multiple specimens from a patient require a separate requsition for each specimen    
Test set-up routinely Monday to Friday
  Amniotic Fluid 10 – 20 mL in sterile centrifuge tubes
For possible microarray, minimum of 25 mL split into 3 centrifuge tubes
DO NOT refrigerate or freeze specimen.
Store and transport specimens at room temperature 
  3 weeks
Test set-up routinely Monday to Friday
  Chorionic Villi 10 – 30 mg in sterile container with transport media
For possible microarray, minimum of 15 mg
  4 weeks
Test set-up routinely Monday to Friday
  Skin / Tissue Biospy 1 cm3 skin or tissue in a sterile container with tissue transport media DO NOT put tissue in formailn
DO NOT freeze
Store and transport at 4 - 8oC
Stillborn / POC fetal or placental tissue: refer to Rapid Aneuploidy Detection (RAD), fetal tissue (ACH) 
  1 week
Test set-up routinely Monday to Friday
  Buccal Smear 1 smear from each cheek on a separate glass slide. Buccal smears require a buccal smear collection kit
Fragile X Syndrome FMR1 Fragile X - Associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome SUNQUST: FRAX-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE
University of Alberta Hospital or Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks PCR sizing and repeat-primed PCR; Methylation-sensitive Southern analysis PCR analysis detects and sizes normal and premutation alleles, and detects but does not size expanded pathogenic alleles. Methylation-sensitive Southern analysis is performed when necessary to clarify pathogenicity of large premutations and small expanded alleles Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   For UAH, a maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
For MDL North (UAH), MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
For MDL South (ACH), MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - No restrictions
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Friedreich Ataxia FXN FRDA CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks PCR sizing and repeat-primed PCR Detects and sizes normal and premutation alleles only; detects the presence of expanded pathogenic alleles (no sizing available) Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Frontal Temporal Dementia C9ORF72   SUNQUEST: MDG-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks PCR Two PCR reactions to detect repeats in the 4 - 60 range Blood, DNA (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Dx - Neurology
Presymptomatic - Genetics
Fumarate Hydratase Deficiency FH   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics and Metabolic specialist



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Galactocerebrosidase, T-lymphocyte   Investigation of Krabbe Disease (a.k.a., globoid cell leukodystrophy, galactosylceramidase deficiency, galactocerebrosidase deficiency) - a lysosomal storage disorder GALC Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 45 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis Contact for priority turn-around
Galactocerebrosidase activity is measured fluorometrically using a 4-methylumbelliferyl-linked substrate This procedure involves the establishment of an IL-2 stimulated T-lymphocyte culture and storage of cell pellets for the purposes of lysosomal enzyme testing Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (3 mL plasma or serum min) sodium heparin tube (dark green)
Alternate: Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
Primary tube must remain at room temperature at all times
It is recommended that patients go to ACH OP Lab for specimen collection
The 3.0 mL of whole blood will be sufficient to test for multiple lysosomal enzymes in T-lymphocytes, if requested
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Requests for testing should be supported by a high index of clinical suspicion specific to the disorder in question
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not kept at room temperature
-Any aliquot tube is received.
-Any sample other than whole blood is submitted
Galactokinase   Investigation of galactokinase deficiency GK Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics N/A
Sample sent out on receipt
    Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL EDTA tube (lavender)
-Sodium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
-Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
-ACD A or ACD B (yellow)
A separate specimen is required for this testing (i.e., cannot be combined with other test requests)
This sample is stable for up to 10 days if refrigerated
Keep sample refrigerated at all times following collection and during transport
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Condition suspected based on clinical presentation (e.g., congenital bilateral cataracts), or found to have excessive galactose in their urine by Sugar Chromatography (ACH). Classical galactosemia (i.e., galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficiency) should be ruled out by a normal Galactosemia Screen, Blood Spot (UAH) and/or Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyltransferase (ACH) result prior to requesting this test or this test may be cancelled
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated
-Any aliquot is received.
-Any sample other than whole blood is submitted
Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyltransferase   Investigation of classic galactosemia (i.e., galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase deficiency) in a patient based on clinical presentation G1PUT Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 14 days
Test is performed on a biweekly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase activity is measured spectrophotometrically Three enzymatic reactions are involved. In the first, endogenous galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (G1PUT) in the RBC lysate catalyzes the reaction between galactose-1-phosphate (G1P) and Uridine-5’-diphosphoglucose (UDPG) to produce glucose-1-phoshate. Two additional reactions are performed in which an increase in absorption of NADPH at 340nm is directly proportional to the glucose-1-phosphate derived from the catalytic activity of G1PUT in the sample Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (3 mL plasma or serum min) sodium heparin tube (dark green)
Alternate: Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
It is recommended that patients go to ACH OP Lab for specimen collection Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Samples will be rejected if:
-Not refrigerated
-Not received in primary collection tube
-Any sample other than heparinized whole blood is submitted
For Alberta-born patients: Samples received for Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyltransferase testing will be further investigated to determine if a newborn screen result is available
For Alberta-born patients with no available newborn screen result and for non-Alberta-born patients a bloodspot card will be sent to the University of Alberta Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics Lab for a Galactosemia Screen
For monitoring known galactosemic patients on dietary therapy, please order Galactose-1-Phosphate, Quantitative.
Galactosemia GALT   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Designed to detect c.563A>G (p.Q188R) (NM_000155) Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Galactosemia Screen, blood spot   Initial investigation of galactosemia GALBS University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 10 days
Test performed Monday to Friday
    Blood spot Newborn Metabolic Screening Blood Spot Requisition (card) Ensure that expiry date of Newborn Metabolic Screening card (requisition) has not been exceeded before proceeding with collection
Collect two saturated blood spots on the Newborn Metabolic Screening card
Use a heel poke if patient is less than one year old or a finger poke if older
Could also collect in a Lithium heparin or Sodium heparin tube at any age and apply whole blood to newborn screening card using a capillary tube. Do not allow the capillary tube to contact the card. Each blood spot should require less than 100uL of blood
Allow the newborn metabolic screening card to air dry for a minimum of 3 hours
Write "ACYLCARNITINE, PROFILE" on the newborn metabolic screening card Ship at ambient temperature in a biohazard bag
Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Please ensure all required information is provided on the requisition
Rejection cirteria: Blood spots for Galactosemia screen are stable for up to one month only
Please see the Lab Bulletin for Galactosemia testing in Alberta
For confirmation of galactosemia in a patient, please order Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyl Transferase. For monitoring of known galactosemia patients on dietary therapy, please order Galactose-1-Phosphate, quantitation
Prior blood transfusion may give a falsely normal result
Gastrointestinal / Polyposis Panel APC, BAP1, BMPR1A, CDH1, CHEK2, EPCAM, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, MUTYH, PMS2, POLD1, POLE, PTEN, RHBDF2, SMAD4, STK11, TP53 Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing SUNQUEST: HCA-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology  Up to 16 weeks NGS and Exon Level Array CGH
For PMS2 (exons 11-15 only) Sanger Sequencing and MLPA
NGS: Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS
aCGH: Deletion / duplication testing is performed for all genes (except PMS2, POLD1, POLE, RHBDF2) at single exon-level resolution
MLPA: Detects deletions and duplication
Sanger Sequencing: Analysis of PMS2 exons 11-15 only
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Panel KIT, PRKAR1A, SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Gaucher Disease   Beta-Glucocerebrosidase
Beta-Glucosidase, leukocytes
GAUCH University of Alberta Hospital
Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics
4 days
Test performed Monday to Friday
    Blood Collect 1 x 6 mL or 3 mL (pediatric) Lithium Heparin (Light Green) or Sodium Heparin (Dark Green) – No Gel Edmonton Zone Patients must be scheduled by 10am for blood collection at the Kaye Edmonton Clinic
North/Central Zone Patients require a special arrangement including collection of a control sample and must phone the NMS/BG Lab (780-407-8820) in advance to discuss and scheduleMust receive samples before noon on the same day
Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Please ensure all required information is provided on the requisition
Glaucoma CYP1B1, MYOC Congenital Glaucoma SUNQUEST: MDG-; APPEND TET NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis /td> Analysis of exon 1-3 of MYOC and Exons 2-3 of CYP1B1 Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Glycosaminoglycan (Mucopolysaccaride) Screen   Initial investigation for mucopolysaccharidoses (a.k.a., disorders of glycosaminoglycan catabolism) MPSSCREEN Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 8 days
Test is performed on a weekly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Increased urinary mucopolysaccharides are detected using both toluidine blue spot and cetyltrimethylammonium-bromide (CTMAB) turbidity tests Positive toluidine blue and CTMAB tests indicating the presence of increased urine mucopolysaccharides (a.k.a., glycosaminoglycans or GAGs) will result in reflexive quantitative uronic acids and GAG electrophoresis testing on the same sample, volume permitting. Positive and negative controls are run with patient samples Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (4.0 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
Prefer first morning void
If specimen is transferred to secondary aliquot tube or container, write ""urine"" on label
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test should not be used to monitor known mucopolysaccharidosis patients on treatment as this is a qualitative test
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary container or aliquot tube received thawed
-Sample type not written on aliquot tube label
Glycosaminoglycan Electrophoresis, Qualitative   Suspicion of a mucopolysaccharidosis in a patient (in conjunction with quantitative uronic acids), or when the initial glycosaminoglycan (mucopolysaccharide) screen has been found to be abnormal and there was insufficient sample for reflexive testing GAG Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 45 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Discontinuous one-dimensional cellulose acetate electrophoresis The presence of abnormal glycosaminoglycans dermatan and/or heparan sufate, or keratan sulfate, in addition to the normal urine constituents chondroitin 4 and 6 sulfates, is highly suggestive of a biochemical diagnosis of a mucopolysaccharidosis. Such a finding should be supported by an elevated quantitative uronic acid level in the majority of cases. Further enzyme or molecular-based testing is required to confirm the specific enzyme deficiency in each case Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (4.0 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
Prefer first morning void
If specimen is transferred to secondary aliquot tube or container, write ""urine"" on label
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided.
This test is for the investigation of mucopolysaccharidoses and is required to be performed in conjunction with Uronic Acids, Quantitative (ACH). Minimum volume is for both tests
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary container or aliquot tube received thawed
-Sample type not written on aliquot tube label



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Half Cystine Quantitation   Investigation of cystinosis, and for monitoring known cystinosis patients on cysteamine (e.g., Cystagon, Procysbi) therapy CYSTINOSIS Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 14 days
Prior arrangement is required before ordering
Contact for priority turn-around
Liquid chromatography, electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LS-MS/MS) with a deuterium-labelled internal standard Proper interpretation of results in known cystinosis patients on treatment is dependent on the timing of the patient’s last dose Blood Collect 2 x 4.0 mL sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST) It is recommended that patients go to ACH OP Lab for specimen collection. Tubes must be FULL
The ACH Biochemical Genetics Lab (403-955-7379) must be notified at least 24 hours before sample collection to ensure a member of the lab is present to immediately process the specimen
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
HBA-related disorders HBA1, HBA2 Alpha thalassemia
Constant Spring
Hydrops fetalis
Hb Barts
CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Multiplex PCR and Sanger sequencing Multiplex PCR: Detects - alpha3.7 (rightward), - alpha4.2 (leftward), --SEA, --FIL, --MED, -(alpha)20.5, --THAI
Sanger sequencing: Analysis of all coding regions of HBA1 and HBA2
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Hemoglobinopathy screen results are required
HBB-related disorders HBB Hemoglobinopathy
Beta thalassemia
Sickle cell anemia
CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA and Sanger sequencing Sanger sequencing: Sequence analysis of the entire globin gene (introns and exons), the promoter region and the CAP regions & common 619 bp deletion. Detects HbC, HbD, Hb E, HbS, etc.
MLPA: Detects deletions and duplications
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Hemoglobinopathy screen results are required
Hemophilia A F8 Factor VIII Deficiency CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Inverse Shifting PCR Detects intron 22 inversions and deletions and intron 1 inversion Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Hemoglobinopathy screen results are required
Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer CDH1   SUNQUEST: MDG-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS and Exon Level Array CGH NGS: Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS
aCGH: Deletion/duplication testing is performed at single exon-level resolution
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Hereditary Fructose Intolerance ALDOB   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Designed to detect the following common pathogenic variants (NM_000035):
c.448G>C (p.A150P)
c.524C>A (p.A175D)
c.1005C>G (p.N335K)
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Hereditary Hemochromatosis HFE HFE
University of Alberta Hospital or Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 2 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Detects c.845G>A (p.Cys282Tyr) and c.187C>G (p.His63Asp) Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
For UAH, Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
For MDL North (UAH), MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
For MDL South (ACH), MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical
Hereditary Multiple Osteochrondromatosis Panel EXT1, EXT2   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Hereditary Neuropathy with liability to Pressure Palsies PMP22 HNPP CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA and Sanger sequencing MLPA: Detects deletions and duplications
Sanger sequencing: Analysis of all coding regions of PMP22
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception "MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - No restrictions
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Neurology and Genetics"
Hereditary Multiple Osteochrondromatosis Panel EXT1, EXT2   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics  
Hereditary Neuropathy with liability to Pressure Palsies PMP22 HNPP CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA and Sanger sequencing MLPA: Detects deletions and duplications
Sanger sequencing: Analysis of all coding regions of PMP22
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - No restrictions
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Neurology and Genetics
Hexosaminidase   Diagnostic investigation of Tay-Sachs or Sandhoff disease
Tay-Sachs disease
HEX-S Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 30 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Hexosaminidase activity is measured fluorometrically using a 4-methylumbelliferyl-linked substrate   Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.5 mL serum min) in non-additive (red top - NOT SST)
Centrifuge, transfer serum to aliquot tube, write ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label, and freeze
  Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Aliquot received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
-Plasma or urine sample submitted
For preconception testing for Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff disease carrier status, see Tay-Sachs CARRIER Testing (ACH)
Hidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia 2 GJB6 Clouston Syndrome
SUNQUEST: MDG-; APPEND TET NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Sequencing Sequencing of exon 3 Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Hirschsprung disease RET   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Homocysteine    Investigation of a primary disorder associated with methionine or cobalamin metabolism based on clinical presentation, or when an initial cystinuria/homocystinuria (a.k.a., nitroprusside) screen was found to be abnormal and there was insufficient sample for reflexive testing
Total homocysteine can be elevated in the following enzyme deficiencies:
Disorders Detectable by Elevated Plasma Total Homocysteine:
-cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency (classical homocystinuria)
-methylenetetra-hydrofolate reductase deficiency (MTHFR)
-methionine synthase deficiency
-Cobalamin (Cbl) C, D, E, F, G, J and X deficiencies
-transcobalamin II deficiency
-S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) deficiency
-glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT) deficiency
-methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) I/III deficiency
-adenosine kinase (ADK) deficiency
Other causes of Elevated Plasma Total Homocysteine:
-nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency
-folate deficiency
-nutritional B6 deficiency 
THCYS-P, THCYS-S Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics  30 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Contact for priority turn-around 
Reduction using liquid chromatography, electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LS-MS/MS) with a deuterium-labelled internal standard    Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.25 mL plasma min) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
-Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
-Non-additive (red top - NOT SST)
Collect following a minimum four-hour fast; or just before next feed for newborns
Indicate length of fast, or time of last feeding on the requisition (with collection time)
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided.
Blood test only available for pediatric patients (less than 16 years of age) and monitoring of known homocystinuria patients; all other types of testing should refer to the Calgary Lab Services Guide to Lab Services entry Homocysteine
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated (blood)
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
This test should not be ordered for the investigation of nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency, nor for assessing carrier status of the common methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) polymorphisms
  THCYS-U   Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (1.0 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
Prefer first morning void
If specimen is transferred to secondary aliquot tube or container, write ""urine"" on label
Huntington Disease HTT Huntington Chorea
CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks PCR sizing and repeat-primed PCR Detects and sizes normal and premutation alleles only; detects the presence of expanded pathogenic alleles (no sizing available) Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology and Psychiatry
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Hydroxybutyrate, beta   Suspected of having an inborn error of metabolism affecting energy production (e.g., hepatic glycogen storage disease) or utilization (e.g., fatty acid oxidation disorders). This test can also be used to monitor adherence of patients treated with the ketogenic diet. This test may also help in the evaluation of diabetes, as well as other conditions leading to or resulting from carbohydrate deprivation, reduced carbohydrate utilization, ketoacidosis, alkalosis or altered cellular redox state
Ketosis is a common feature in acutely ill patients and in some subjects can result in severe life threatening metabolic acidosis
3HB Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 7 days
Test is performed on a weekly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
Beta-hydroxybutyrate is detected spectrophotometrically using a commercially available kit Metabolite reported: D-3-hydroxybutyrate Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.25 mL plasma min) sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
-Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
-Sodium fluoride (grey)
Collection after an 8 to 15 hour fast preferred (but not mandatory)
Indicate length of fast on the requisition (with collection time)
If patient is on ketogenic diet, indicate whether sample is fed or fasted Physician test requests from known metabolic patients (non-fasting) are also acceptable
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis CACNA1S, SCN4A   SUNQUEST: HOKPP-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Sequence Analysis Sequence exons 11 and 30 / sequence exon 12 Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Hypoxanthine Guanine Phosphoribosyltransferase   Further investigation of a patient with a high clinical suspicion, or initial laboratory results consistent with, Lesh-Nyhan syndrome (a.k.a, hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency) HPRT Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics N/A
Sample sent out on receipt
    Blood Spot 2 full blood spots Self-collection of a sample by a patient using the pre-labelled blood spot card requires previous instruction by an ACH metabolic physician or an ACH metabolic dietician
If a patient brings a pre-labelled blood spot card to the collection lab, warm a finger or heel before collection and fill a minimum of two circles on the card using a single drop of whole blood (blood must soak through to the back of the card
Do NOT smear blood onto the card or apply to both sides of card. If a single drop is insufficient, a second drop can be applied
Do NOT use a capillary tube to transfer blood to the card
Allow card to dry for a minimum of 4 hours after collection by clipping or lean card against an object on a clean, flat, non-absorbent surface.
Keep card away from sunlight and heat.
Place dry collection card inside a biohazard bag
Transport at room temperature
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
This test should NOT be used as a primary screen and may be cancelled if not adequately justified on the requisition. Confirmation of hyperuricemia (see Urate - Urine, CLS) and/or evidence of elevated urine hypoxanthine, xanthine and uric acid (see Purine and Pyrimidine Profile - ACH) are required for testing to proceed



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
IgH Gene Rearrangement IgH Investigation of lymphoproliferative disorders
B Cell Gene Rearrangement
  University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 1 week
Test set-up on Monday and Thursday (excluding statutory holidays)
PCR followed by capillary electrophoresis DNA is extracted using the QIAsymphony DSP DNA Mini Kit from Qiagen (Valencia, CA.). A commercially available kit is purchased from InVivoScribe Technologies (San Diego, California) and utilized in this assay. This assay has been validated internally using >30 B-cell lymphomas or benign lymphoid tissues for which the diagnoses were confirmed histologically and immunophenotypically
PCR is performed using Invitrogen Platinum High Fidelity Taq with fluorescence-labelled primers in three different mixes. The PCR products are subjected to capillary electrophoresis on an Applied Biosystems 3130/3500XL Genetic Analyzer using fragment analysis GeneMapper software. The integrity of the DNA is assessed using a Specimen Control Size Ladder detecting four different fragment sizes. Appropriate polyclonal and monoclonal controls (B-cell lymphoma cell lines) are used. A no template control is also included
This assay does not detect 100% clonal cell populations and cannot detect less than 5 positive cells/95 normal cells
The clinical sensitivity of this assay is determined to be 75% and clinical specificity is 100%
Blood Collect 2 x 4 mL EDTA (lavender) tubes. One tube for CBC/differential and one tube for Molecular Pathology Any peripheral blood requests will require a CBC and differential to be ordered and processed as per local handling practices
Whole blood samples must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Test requests are restricted to hematopathologists and lymphoma pathologists
Bone Marrow Collect 1 x 4 mL (2 mL min) EDTA (lavender) tube  
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block is preferred
Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin and five 10-micron non-baked, unstained slides can be submitted
Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
JAK2 Exon 12 Mutation JAK2 Investigation of myeloproliferative neoplasms   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test set-up on Wednesday
PCR and sequence analysis DNA is extracted using the QIAsymphony DSP DNA Mini Kit from Qiagen (Valencia, CA.). PCR amplification is performed using M13 tailed primers. Bidirectional sequencing of the product is performed using the BigDye Direct Cycle Sequencing kit (Life Technologies) and run on the Applied Biosystems 3500xL Genetic Analyzer. The obtained DNA sequence is then analyzed using ABI SeqScanner® and SeqPilot® software programs and compared to the published sequences in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database at (GenBank)
Analytical sensitivity is 20%
Blood Collect 2 x 4 mL EDTA (lavender) tubes. One tube for CBC/differential and one tube for Molecular Pathology Any peripheral blood requests will require a CBC and differential to be ordered and processed as per local handling practices
Samples must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Bone Marrow Collect 1 x 4 mL (2 mL min) EDTA (lavender) tube Samples must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
JAK2 V617F Mutational Analysis JAK2 Investigation of myeloproliferative neoplasms, namely polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia and primary myelofibrosis   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test set-up on Monday (excluding statutory holidays)
Real-time PCR After DNA extraction, the qualitative JAK2 V617F assay is performed using the JAK2 MutaScreenTM Kit (Ipsogen Inc., New Haven, CT). The JAK2 gene sequence spanning the mutation site was amplified using real time polymerase chain reaction with two allele-specific probes that allow detection of the presence of the JAK2 V617F mutation
The sensitivity of the assay is 2% (2% JAK2 V617F DNA in a normal background)
Blood Collect 2 x 4 mL EDTA (lavender) tubes. One tube for CBC/differential and one tube for Molecular Pathology Any peripheral blood requests will require a CBC and differential to be ordered and processed as per local handling practices
Samples must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
The mutation may be undetectable in samples containing low numbers of granulocytes or monocytes, or in the presence of a high lymphocyte population, as lymphoid cells generally do not harbor the acquired JAK2 V617F mutation
Bone Marrow Collect 1 x 4 mL (2 mL min) EDTA (lavender) tube Samples must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
Joubert Syndrome and Related Disorders TMEM237   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Designed to detect c.52C>T (NM_001044385) in the Hutterite population Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology and Psychiatry
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Juvenile Hemochromatosis HFE2A HJV
Hemochromatosis Type 2
  University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics   Real-Time PCR Detects deletions and duplications Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Contact laboratory



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Karyotype   Chromosome analysis of blood
Cytogenetic testing of blood
Turner Syndrome
CGB (CO PATH) University of Alberta Hospital Cytogenetics 4 weeks
Test set-up routinely Monday to Friday
    Blood Collect Sodium Heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
Newborn to 6 months: 2 mL peripheral blood
Children: 3 mL (2.0 mL min) peripheral blood
Adult: 4 mL (2.0 mL min) peripheral blood
  Must be accompanied by a completed Constitutional Cytogenetics Requisition
Ensure all relevant sections of the requisition are complete
Specimens will be rejected if:
-Primary tube received refrigerated or frozen
-Any aliquot tube is received
-Specimen is clotted or hemolyzed
-Specimen is received in any tube other than sodium heparin
-Insufficient specimen volume is received
-Specimen received unlabelled
-Specimen is received without a complete requisition
  Chromosome analysis of unstimulated peripheral blood
Cytogenetic testing of unstimulated peripheral blood
CBUN (CO PATH) 3 weeks
Test set-up routinely Monday to Friday
Unstimulated Peripheral Blood Collect a 2.0 - 4.0 mL (1.0 mL min) of blood Sin sodium heparin (dark green - NOT PST) For unstimulated peripheral blood specimens on urgent cases collected on weekends or statutory holidays page the Clinical Genetic Technologist on call at 780-445-6036 Must be accompanied by a completed Hematology Specialty Requisition
Ensure all relevant sections of the requisition are complete
If multiple myeloma is suspected, this must be indicated on the requisiton
Order Restrictions: Specimens must have dividing cells
Specimens will be rejected if:
-Primary tube received refrigerated or frozen
-Any aliquot tube is received
-Specimen is clotted or hemolyzed
-Sample is received in any tube other than sodium heparin
-Insufficient sample volume is received.
-Specimen received unlabelled
-Specimen is received without a complete requisition
  Chromosome analysis of bone marrow
Cytogenetic testing of bone marrow
CGBM (CO PATH) 3 weeks
Test set-up routinely Monday to Friday
Bone Marrow Collect 1.0 - 3.0 mL of bone marrow into 15 mL centrifuge tube with transport media
Alternate: Sodium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
Preferrably, specimens should be received in the laboratory on the day of collection
Specimens will be accepted up to 24 hours after time of collection
For bone marrows on urgent cases collected on weekends or statutory holidays page the Clinical Genetic Technologist on call at 780-445-6036
Must be accompanied by a completed Hematology Specialty Requisition
Ensure all relevant sections of the requisition are complete
Specimens will be rejected if:
-Primary tube received refrigerated or frozen
-Any aliquot tube is received
-Sample is received in any tube other than transport media or sodium heparin.
-Insufficient sample volume is received
-Specimen received unlabelled
-Specimen is received without a complete requisition
  Chromosome analysis of chorionic villi
Cytogenetic testing of chorionic villi
CGCV (CO PATH) 3 weeks
Test set-up routinely Monday to Friday
Chorionic Villus Sampling 15 mg minimum of typical villi after cleaning for RAD and chromosome analysis or 25 mg minimum of typical villi after cleaning for RAD, chromosome analysis and Molecular testing in sterile polypropylene centrifuge tube containing CVS transport media   Must be accompanied by a completed Constitutional Cytogenetics Requisition
Ensure all relevant sections of the requisition are complete
Specimens will be rejected if:
-Primary tube received refrigerated or frozen
-Specimen is received in any tube other than CVS transport media
-Insufficient specimen volume is received
-Specimen received unlabelled
-Specimen is received without a complete requisition
KIT for AML KIT Investigation of acute myeloid leukemia   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test set-up on Wednesday
PCR and sequence analysis DNA is extracted using the QIAsymphony DSP DNA Mini Kit from Qiagen (Valencia, CA.). PCR amplification is performed using M13 tailed primers. Bidirectional sequencing of the product is performed using the BigDye Direct Cycle Sequencing kit (Life Technologies) and run on the Applied Biosystems 3500xL Genetic Analyzer. The obtained DNA sequence is then analyzed using ABI SeqScanner® and SeqPilot® software programs and compared to the published sequences in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database at (GenBank)
Analytical sensitivity is 20%
Blood Collect 2 x 4 mL EDTA (lavender) tubes. One tube for CBC/differential and one tube for Molecular Pathology Any peripheral blood requests will require a CBC and differential to be ordered and processed as per local handling practices
Samples must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Bone Marrow Collect 1 x 4 mL (2 mL min) EDTA (lavender) tube Samples must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
KIT for Mastocytosis KIT Investigation of systemic mastocytosis   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test set-up on Wednesday
PCR and capillary electrophoresis DNA is extracted on the QIAsymphony instrument. Allele specific PCR amplification is performed in two separate tubes for mutant and wildtype KIT using fluorescently labeled primers. Amplification products are subjected to fragment analysis by capillary electrophoresis using ABI 3130/3500 genetic analyzer. Results are analyzed by Genemapper v3.2 software
The sensitivity of this assay is 1%
Blood Collect 2 x 4 mL EDTA (lavender) tubes. One tube for CBC/differential and one tube for Molecular Pathology Any peripheral blood requests will require a CBC and differential to be ordered and processed as per local handling practices
Samples must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Bone Marrow Collect 1 x 4 mL (2 mL min) EDTA (lavender) tube Samples must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block is preferred
Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin and five 10-micron non-baked, unstained slides can be submitted
Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report
KIT for Melanoma / GIST KIT Investigation of melanoma
When ordered in conjunction with PDGFRA used for the investigation of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours (GIST)
  University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test set-up on Wednesday
PCR and sequence analysis DNA is extracted using the QIAsymphony DSP DNA Mini Kit from Qiagen (Valencia, CA.). PCR amplification is performed using M13 tailed primers. Bidirectional sequencing of the product is performed using the BigDye Direct Cycle Sequencing kit (Life Technologies) and run on the Applied Biosystems 3500xL Genetic Analyzer. The obtained DNA sequence is then analyzed using ABI SeqScanner® and SeqPilot® software programs and compared to the published sequences in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database at (GenBank)
Analytical sensitivity is 20%
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue "A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block is preferred Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin and five 10-micron non-baked, unstained slides can be submitted" Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Krabbe Disease GALC   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted deletion analysis by PCR Designed to detect the common 30kb deletion in the European population Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
KRAS Mutation Analysis KRAS Investigation of colon cancer   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test set-up on Monday and Wednesday (excluding statutory holidays)
PCR followed by capillary electrophoresis DNA extraction from FFPE samples is performed using the QIAGEN QIAsymphony DSP DNA mini kit. Analysis for BRAF, KRAS, NRAS mutations is performed after PCR amplification using a single base extension technique (SNaPshot multiplex kit by Life Technologies) and capillary electrophoresis on the 3130 Genetic Analyzer. This multiplexed assay is capable of detecting mutations at BRAF codon 600 and KRAS/NRAS codons 12, 13, 61, 117, and 146
The estimated sensitivity of this assay is 10%
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block is preferred
Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin and five 10-micron non-baked, unstained slides can be submitted
Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report MUST be submitted on a Molecular
Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Leigh Syndrome NDUFS4   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Designed to detect c.393dupA (NM_002495) in the Hutterite population Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
University of Alberta Hospital or Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
For UAH, Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 2H TRIM32   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Designed to detect c.1459G>A (p.D487N) (NM_012210) in the Hutterite population Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)
  A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy Type 2I FKRP Muscular Dystrophy - Dystroglycanopathy Type C CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Designed to detect c.826C>A (p.L276I) (NM_024301) in the Hutterite and European populations Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)
  A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Long Chain 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency / HELLP HADHA   SUNQUEST: LCAD-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Mutation Analysis Detects the c.1528G>C mutation Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Lynch Syndrome Cancer Panel MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, EPCAM Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing SUNQUEST: HCA-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology Up to 16 weeks NGS and Exon Level Array CGH
For PMS2 - Sanger Sequencing and MLPA
MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 (exons 1-10 only) by NGS: Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS
EPCAM (exons 3. 8, and 9 only), MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 by aCGH: Deletion / duplication testing is performed for those genes indicated at single exon-level resolution
PMS2 by MLPA: Detects deletions and duplications
PMS2 by Sanger Sequencing: Sequence analysis if PMS2 exons 11-15 only
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) Type 3 HNF1A   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Designed to detect c.1137delT (NM_000545) in the Hutterite population Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Endocrinology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Medium Chain Acyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase Deficiency MCAD   SUNQUEST: LCAD-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Mutation Analysis Detects c.985A>G (Lys304Glu) Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Methylmalonic Acid   Plasma methylmalonic acid can aid in the diagnosis of functional B12 deficiency when the plasma B12 levels are in the low-normal range (150 to 400 pmol/L)
Urine methylmalonic acid can aid in differentiating between a true functional B12 deficiency and renal insufficiency, both of which can lead to a mild to moderate -elevation of plasma methylmalonic acid
Methylmalonic acid can be elevated in the following enzyme deficiencies / disorders:
-methylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficiency
-methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase deficiency
-cobalamin (Cbl) A, B, C, D, F, J and X deficiencies
-intrinsic factor deficiency and Imerslund-Grasbeck syndrome
-transcobalamin II deficiency
-ACSF3 deficiency (a.k.a., combined malonic and methylmalonic aciduria or CMAMMA)
-SUCLA2 and SUCLG1 deficiencies
Other causes of elevated methylmalonic acid:
-nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency
-renal insufficiency (plasma/serum only)
MMA-P, MMA-S, MMA-U Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 14 days
Test is performed on a weekly basis
Contact for priority turn-around
    Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
-Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
-Non-additive (red top - NOT SST)
-Random specimen: plain urine container
Collect following a minimum four-hour fast; or just before next feed for newborns
Indicate length of fast on the requisition (with collection time)
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated
-Primary urine container not refrigerated or frozen
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
Plasma methylmalonic acid test should only be ordered when there is a high index of clinical suspicion of a nutritional B12 deficiency, based on patient presentation
Urine methylmalonic acid test should not be ordered in conjunction with urine organic acids, as this metabolite is also reported as part of that test, and this test will be reflexively performed on any urine sample with elevated levels detected
Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (1.0 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
If specimen is transferred to secondary aliquot tube or container, write "urine" on label
Microsatellite Instability   Investigation of colonic, ovarian and uterine adenocarcinomas   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 1 month
Test performed every second week
PCR followed by capillary electrophoresis The assay involves multiplex PCR of five microsatellite (MS) loci for both normal and tumor tissue. The MS loci tested include mononucleotide repeats BAT25, BAT26, BAT40, CAT25 and NR21
GUIDE TO TEST RESULT: Comparative evaluation of normal and tumor peak patterns may reveal shifts in one or more MS sequences amplified in the tumor, representing microsatellite instability (MSI). Tumor microsatellite instability is classified as follows: high frequency instability (MSI-H) when two or more sequences demonstrate instability, low frequency instability (MSI-L) if one of the sequences demonstrate instability, and microsatellite stable (MSS) when no shifts are evident
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Representative formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block(s) of tumor and normal (uninvolved) tissue is preferred. A 1 x 4 mL EDTA blood sample may also be used as a normal specimen
Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin and five 10-micron non-baked, unstained slides can be submitted
Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Test requires comparison between tumor and normal specimens. Test will not be performed if a normal tissue or blood sample is not submitted
Mitochondrial Disease     SUNQUEST: MDG-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Mutation Analysis, Southern and Sequence Analysis Targeted Mutation Analysis: Detects mutations associated with MERFF, MELAS, NARP
Targeted Mutation Analysis: Detects the following mutations associated with Lebers
Hereditary Optic Neuropathy 3 mutations- m.3460G>A , m.11778G>A, m.14484T>C
Southern: Detects deletion syndromes Sequence Analysis: Full screen
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Dx - Metabolic and Neuromuscular specialists (for deletion syndromes and full screen)
MLH1 Promoter Hypermethylation MLH1 Distinguishes sporadic MSI-High tumors from tumors with germline mutations in the MLH1 mismatch repair gene (Lynch Syndrome)   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 1 month
Test performed every three weeks
Bisulfite modification, PCR followed by capillary electrophoresis PCR-based assays for the detection of hypermethylation of the MLH1 promoter region and BRAF V600E mutation. The methylation specific PCR assay is a modification of the method described by Grady et al. (Grady WM, Rajput A, Lutterbaugh JD, Markowitz SD: Detection of aberrantly methylated hMLH1 promoter DNA in the serum of patients with microsatellite unstable colon cancer. Cancer Res 2001;61:900-902). The analytical sensitivity of the assay is 1%. The tests involves extraction of DNA from FFPE or peripheral blood using the QIAsymphony DSP DNA Mini Kit from Qiagen (Valencia, CA.), PCR amplification and capillary electrophoresis
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Representative formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block(s) of tumor tissue is preferred
Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin and five 10-micron non-baked, unstained slides can be submitted
Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
MPL Mutation MPL Investigation of myeloproliferative neoplasms   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test performed every second week
PCR followed by capillary electrophoresis After DNA extraction, multiplex allele specific PCR amplification for MPL gene exon 10 mutations is performed in two tubes using fluorescently labeled primers to detect the four most common mutations. Amplification products are subjected to fragment analysis by capillary electrophoresis using ABI 3130/3500xL genetic analyzer. Results are analyzed by Genemapper v3.2 software
The analytic sensitivity of this assay is 2%
Blood Collect 2 x 4 mL EDTA (lavender) tubes. One tube for CBC/differential and one tube for Molecular Pathology Any peripheral blood requests will require a CBC and differential to be ordered and processed as per local handling practices
Samples must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Bone Marrow Collect 1 x 4 mL (2 mL min) EDTA (lavender) tube Samples must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
Mucopolysaccharide Screen, urine     MPSCS University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 10 days
Test performed Monday to Friday
Contact for priority turn-around
    Urine Collect 5 mL (500 uL min) random urine specimen in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
  Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Very dilute urine samples may give false results and therefore may be cancelled
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2 RET MEN2 CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted sequence analysis by NGS Sequence analysis of exons 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 16 Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Endocrinology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Multiple Myeloma FISH Panel     CGBM (CO PATH) University of Alberta Hospital Cytogenetics 3 weeks from hematopathology report signout
Test set-up routinely Monday to Friday
FISH   Bone Marrow Collect 2.0 to 4.0 mL (2.0 mL min) of bone marrow into the centrifuge tube with transport media
Alternate: Sodium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
Specimens should be received in the laboratory within 24 hours of time of collection
Specimen MUST remain at room temperature
Must be accompanied by a completed Hematology Specialty Requisition
Ensure all relevant sections of the requisition are complete
If multiple myeloma is suspected, this must be indicated on the requistion.
List preferred order of FISH probes in the event there are insufficient number of plasma cells for all probes
IGH/CCND1 probe testing included
Specimens will be rejected if:
-Primary tube received refrigerated or frozen
-Any aliquot tube is received
-Specimen is received in any tube other than sodium heparin
-Insufficient specimen volume is received
-Specimen received unlabelled
-Specimen is received without a complete requisition
MYC 8q24 by FISH MYC Investigation of Burkitt’s lymphoma, Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 1 week for routine or 3 days for RUSH
Test set-up on Monday and Wednesday (excluding statutory holidays)
FISH Slides are cut from the paraffin block and are deparaffinized in xylene and dehydrated in ethanol. Specimen pretreatment and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is performed using Vysis® (Abbott Molecular Inc.)
LSI MYC Dual Color Break-apart rearrangement probe hybridizes to the band region 8q24. In normal cells, the two probes (green and orange) are fused or close together. In abnormal cells, with a break of 8q24, the two probes separate. This probe detects the translocation: t(8;14)IGH-MYC, which is most characteristic of Burkitt’s lymphoma/leukemia. This probe should also detect two variants t(2;8)IGK-MYC and t(8;22)IGL-MYC. About 5 to 10% of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients also have MYC region rearrangements, and detection of these rearrangements has been associated with a poor prognosis. It has been suggested that FISH analysis for MYC rearrangements should be performed on all DLBCL patients. This lab’s normal cut off is established at <10% of the cells showing an abnormal signal pattern
All appropriate negative and positive controls were used. An average of 100 interphase nuclei were examined independently by two observers using an Olympus Provis Fluorescence microscope system on 1000X magnification
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block is preferred
Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin as well as six 4-micron baked (2 hours at 60°C) unstained charged slides can be submitted
Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
MYH - Associated Polyposis     SUNQUEST: MYH-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks     Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Myotonic dystrophy type 1 DMPK   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks PCR sizing and repeat-primed PCR Detects and sizes normal, premutation and the majority of expanded pathogenic alleles; very large expanded pathogenic alleles will be detected by repeat-primed PCR but sizing will not be available Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Myotonic dystrophy type 2 ZNF9   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks PCR sizing and repeat-primed PCR Detects and sizes normal and premutation alleles only; detects the presence of expanded pathogenic alleles (no sizing available) Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology, Neonatology and Obstetrics
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
N-Acetylaspartic Acid   Investigation of Canavan disease NAA-U Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 30 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Liquid chromatography, electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LS-MS/MS) with a deuterium-labelled internal standard N-acetylaspartic acid is significantly elevated in neonatal/infantile (i.e., severe) Canavan disease, but may be only marginally elevated in mild/juvenile Canavan disease Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (1.0 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
If specimen is transferred to secondary aliquot tube or container, write "urine" on label Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
This test should not be ordered in conjunction with urine organic acids, as this metabolite is also reported as part of that test, and this test will be reflexively performed on any urine sample with elevated levels detected
Samples will be rejected if:
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Sample type not written on aliquot tube label
Nephronophthisis 1 NPHP1   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA Detects 250kb deletion Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition"
Neurofibromatosis Type 1 NF1   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Neurofibromatosis Type 2 NF2   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Newborn Metabolic Screen, blood   Babies born in Alberta are screened for the following disorders:
-Amino Acid disorders: PKU, MSUD, CIT, Tyr â… 
-Fatty Acid Oxidation disorders: MCAD, LCHAD, VLCAD, CUD, TFP
-Organic Acid disorders: MMA, PA, IVA, GA1, HMG, BIOT
-Endocrine disorders: CH, CAH
-Cystic Fibrosis: CF
-Severe Combined Immunodeficiency: SCID
-Sickle Cell Disease: SCD
NMS University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 4 days
Test performed Monday to Saturday
    Blood spot Newborn Metabolic Screening Blood Spot Requisition (card) Ensure that expiry date of Newborn Metabolic Screening card (requisition) has not been exceeded before proceeding with collection
Collect two saturated blood spots on the Newborn Metabolic Screening card
After collection, dry NMS card for a minimum of 3 hours with protective card flap folded back before shipping
All information on the Newborn Metabolic Screening card (requisition) must be completed to ensure a valid screen result
Ship at ambient temperature
Routinely performed on all newborns at 24 hours - 3 days of age. However, if a screen has not been collected in this time frame it is still important that a sample is collected
For additional information see website
Select tab For Health Professionals, Resources link, Newborn Metabolic Screening link
Data Entry:
NMS Laboratory enters all requisitions into Specimen Gate as test is not ordered in the LIS
Reporting Information:
Hard copy reports are distributed to physician offices and the birth facility. Results are available electronically on Alberta Netcare, and most physician office systems
NPM1 NPM1 Investigation of acute myelogenous leukemias (AML)   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 3 business days (5 calendar days) for new AML
Test set-up twice a week
PCR followed by capillary electrophoresis After DNA extraction, PCR amplification is performed in two separate tubes for FLT3 and NPM1 using fluorescence labeled primers. Amplification products are subjected to fragment analysis by capillary electrophoresis using ABI 3130 genetic analyzer. Results are analyzed by Genemapper v3.2 software
The sensitivity of these assays is 5%
Blood Collect 2 x 4 mL EDTA (lavender) tubes. One tube for CBC/differential and one tube for Molecular Pathology Any peripheral blood requests will require a CBC and differential to be ordered and processed as per local handling practices
Samples must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
CEBPA is a reflexed test that is only performed when the assay results for FLT3 / NPM1 are negative and the patient's karyotype is normal
Bone Marrow Collect 1 x 4 mL (2 mL min) EDTA (lavender) tube Samples must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
NRAS Mutation Analysis NRAS Investigation of colorectal cancers   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test set-up on Monday and Wednesday (excluding statutory holidays)
PCR followed by capillary electrophoresis DNA extraction from FFPE samples is performed using the QIAGEN QIAsymphony DSP DNA mini kit. Analysis for BRAF, KRAS, NRAS mutations is performed after PCR amplification using a single base extension technique (SNaPshot multiplex kit by Life Technologies) and capillary electrophoresis on the 3130 Genetic Analyzer. This multiplexed assay is capable of detecting mutations at BRAF codon 600 and KRAS/NRAS codons 12, 13, 61, 117, and 146. The estimated sensitivity of this assay is 10%
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Representative formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block(s) of tumor tissue is preferred
Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin and five 10-micron non-baked, unstained slides can be submitted
Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Oculocutaneous Albinism TYR   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Designed to detect c.272G>A (p.C91Y) (NM_000372.4) in the Hutterite population Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Ophthalmology, and Dermatology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy PABPN1 OPMD CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks PCR sizing and repeat-primed PCR Detects and sizes normal, premutation and the majority of expanded pathogenic alleles Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Oligosaccharides Screen, urine   Oligosaccharidoses disorders OLIGO University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 10 days Test performed on Tuesday (weekly)     Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (1.0 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
  Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Please ensure all required information is provided on the requisition
Organic Acids, Semi-Quantitative   Initial investigation of organic acidurias OA Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 14 days
Test is performed on a weekly basis
Derivatization (i.e., silylation) and oximation using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) Metabolites reported (truncated list): lactic acid, glycolic acid, glyoxylic acid, oxalic acid, pyruvic acid, 3-hydroxybutyric acid, 2-oxovaleric acid, methylmalonic acid, 4-hydroxybutyric acid, acetoacetic acid, 2-oxo-3-methylvaleric acid, ethylmalonic acid, 2-oxoisocaproic acid, phenylacetic acid, succinic acid, methylsuccinic acid, fumaric acid, glutaric acid, 3-methylglutaric acid, succinylacetone, mandelic acid, malic acid, adipic acid, pyroglutamic acid (a.k.a., 5-oxoproline), 2-hydroxyglutaric acid, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid, 2-oxoglutaric acid, suberic acid, 2-oxoadipic acid, orotic acid, homovanillic acid, sebacic acid, vanillylmandellic acid, 3-hydroxypropionic acid, 3-hydroxyisobutyric acid, 3-hydroxy-2-methylbutyric acid, 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid, isovalerylglycine, butyrylglycine, glyceric acid, uracil, 5-hydroxyhexanoic, thymine, propionylglycine, 3-methylglutaconic acid, tiglylglycine, oxaloacetic acid, 3-hydroxyglutaric acid, N-acetylaspartic acid, 2-hydroxyadipic acid, methylcitric acid, homogentisic acid, vanillactic acid, phenylpropionylglycine, indole-3-pyruvic acid, dodecanedoic acid, suberylglycine Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (2.5 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Alternate: 24 hour urine collection container (NO ADDITIVE)
Freeze immediately
Random Urine Collection:
1. If sample is transferred to a secondary aliquot tube or container, write ""random urine"" on label
2. Freeze
24 hour Urine Collection:
Urine specimen MUST be kept FROZEN during entire collection and transport process (no preservative)
Instruct patient to ensure to place 24 hour urine collection container into freezer immediately after each void throughout the 24 hour collection period
After collection:
1. Thaw 24 urine specimen
2. Measure total volume
3. Enter TVOL on requisiton
4. Send 10 mL aliquot of urine; write ""24hr urine, Tvol #L"" on the label
5. Freeze aliquot
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary container or aliquot tube received thawed
-Sample type not written on aliquot tube label
This test may also be ordered to rule out the possibility of these disorders in a patient being assessed for the ketogenic diet.
Abnormal levels found for certain organic acids present in this profile (i.e., 3-methylglutaconic or 3-methylgutaric acids, homovanillic acid, methylmalonic acid, N-acetylaspartic acid, orotic acid, vanillylmandelic acid) will be reflexively quantitated using a separate stable-isotope dilution method on the same sample, volume permitting
Organic Acids, urine   Follow-up test for positive newborn screen (amino acid, organic acid or fatty acid oxidation disorder)
Diagnosis of and monitoring for inborn errors of metabolism (patient history/clincal information is essential for adequate evaluation of test results)
Elevated anion gap
  University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 10 days
Test is performed on a weekly basis
    Urine Collect 5.0 mL (4.0 mLis acceptable for pediatric samples) of random urine sample in plain urine container
For UAH collection only: Put on ice
For ALL other sites: Freeze immediately
If collected at UAH ship on ice. All other sites, ship frozen Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Please ensure all required information is provided on the requisition
Urine samples received at room temperature will be rejected
Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency OTC   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA Detects deletions and duplications Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Orotic Acid   Investigation of primary and secondary urea cycle disorders, and pyrimidine synthesis disorders resulting in orotic aciduria
Orotic acid can be elevated in the following enzyme deficiencies / disorders:
-ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
-argininosuccinate synthetase deficiency (i.e., type I citrullinemia)
-argininosuccinate lyase deficiency
-arginase (ARG1) deficiency
-lysinuric protein intolerance
-hyperornithinemia, hyperammonemia, and homocitrullinuria (HHH) syndrome
-uridine monophosphate synthase (UMPS) deficiency
Other causes of elevated orotic acid:
-congenital folate deficiency
OR-U Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 21 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Liquid chromatography, electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LS-MS/MS) with a deuterium-labelled internal standard   Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (2.5 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
If sample is transferred to a secondary aliquot tube or container, write "random urine" on label Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided.
This test should not be ordered in conjunction with urine organic acids, as this metabolite is also reported as part of that test, and this test will be reflexively performed on any urine sample with elevated levels detected
Samples will be rejected if:
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Sample type not written on aliquot tube label
Overgrowth Syndrome Panel CDKN1C, DIS3L2, EZH2, GPC3, NSD1, PTEN Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Pancreatic Cancer Panel APC, ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, CDK4, CDKN2A, EPCAM, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PALB2, PMS2, STK11, TP53 Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing SUNQUEST: HCA-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology Up to 16 weeks NGS and Exon Level Array CGH
For PMS2: Sanger Sequencing and MLPA
NGS: Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS
aCGH: Deletion / duplication testing is performed for those genes (except CDK4, PMS2) at single exon-level resolution
MLPA: Detects deletions and duplications
Sanger Sequencing: Sequence analysis of PMS2 exons 11-15 only
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Pancreatitis, hereditary PRSS1   SUNQUEST: PRSS-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Dectects c.364C>T, c.86A>T and c.86A>C Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Paraganglioma / Pheochromocytoma Predisposition Panel FH, MAX, RET, SDHAF2, SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD, TMEM127, VHL, NF1 Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Endocrinology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
PDGFRA for GIST PDGFRA When ordered in conjunction with KIT, used for the investigation of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours (GIST)   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test set-up on Wednesday
PCR and sequence analysis DNA is extracted using the QIAsymphony DSP DNA Mini Kit from Qiagen (Valencia, CA.). The exact area of tumorous tissue used in the assay is identified by histological examination and micro dissected from unstained slides
PCR amplification is performed using M13 tagged primers. Bidirectional sequencing of the product was performed using the Big dye terminator kit (Life Technologies) and run on the Applied Biosystems 3130 Genetic Analyzer. The obtained DNA sequence was then analyzed using ABI Seqscape® software and compared to the published sequences in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database at (GenBank)
Analytical sensitivity is 20%
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Representative formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block(s) of tumor tissue is preferred
Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin and five 10-micron non-baked, unstained slides can be submitted
Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Pediatric Cancer Panel ALK, APC, BUB1B, CDKN1C, CEP57, DICER1, PHOX2B, PTCH1, SMARCB1, SUFU, TP53, WT1 Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
University of Alberta Hospital or Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
For UAH, Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Phenylalanine & Tyrosine Monitoring   ONLY for monitoring known patients with a diagnosis of phenylketonuria / hyperphenylalaninemia
For the investigation of an undiagnosed patient with a suspicion of an amino acid disorder, the Amino Acids - Plasma (ACH) test should be ordered
PHE, PHE-DBS Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 7 days
Test is performed daily
Amino Acid Analyzer with internal standard Phenylalanine and tyrosine monitoring allows for the assessment of a patient’s dietary phenylalanine tolerance following diagnosis, as well as ongoing adjustments based on their prescribed therapy to ensure the phenylalanine level remains within an acceptable range. It is recommended that all patients on dietary restriction therapy have a full plasma amino acid profile performed at least once a year, in addition to other micronutrient testing, for evaluation of potential nutritional deficiencies Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.25 mL plasma min) in sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
-Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
-Pre-labelled Blood Spot Collection Card
-Random specimen: plain urine container
At ACH only: The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
Phenylalanine and Tyrosine Monitoring test may be collected any day, however if results are required by Friday, specimen MUST reach Biochemical Genetics Laboratory (located at ACH) by 1600hr on Wednesday
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provide
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
-Dried blood spots are less than 2/3 full or have not been collected as described above
7 days
Test is performed weekly
Liquid chromatography, electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LS-MS/MS) with deuterium-labelled internal standards Blood Spot Self-collection of a sample by a patient using the pre-labelled phenylalanine blood spot card requires previous instruction by an ACH metabolic physician or an ACH metabolic dietician
If the patient brings a pre-labelled phenylalanine blood spot card to collection lab, warm a finger or heel before collection and fill a minimum of two circles on the card using a single drop of whole blood (blood must soak through to the back of the card)
Do NOT smear blood onto the card or apply to both sides of card. If a single drop is insufficient, a second drop can be applied.
Do NOT use a capillary tube to transfer blood to the card
Allow card to dry for a minimum of 4 hours after collection by clipping or lean card against an object on a clean, flat, non-absorbent surface
Keep card away from sunlight and heat
Place dry collection card inside a biohazard bag
Transport at ambient temperature
Phenylalanine and Tyrosine Monitoring test may be collected any day, however if results are required by Friday, specimen MUST reach Biochemical Genetics Laboratory (located at ACH) by 1600hr on Wednesday
Phenylalanine / Tyrosine     BPHTY University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 7 days
Test is performed Monday to Friday
    Blood spot Newborn Metabolic Screening Blood Spot Requisition (card) Ensure that expiry date of Newborn Metabolic Screening card (requisition) has not been exceeded before proceeding with collection
Collect two saturated blood spots on the Newborn Metabolic Screening card
Use a heel poke if patient is less than one year old or a finger poke if older
Could also collect in a Lithium heparin or Sodium heparin tube at any age and apply whole blood to newborn screening card using a capillary tube. Do not allow the capillary tube to contact the card. Each blood spot should require less than 100uL of blood
Allow the newborn metabolic screening card to air dry for a minimum of 3 hours.
Write ""ACYLCARNITINE, PROFILE"" on the newborn metabolic screening card
Ship at ambient temperature in a biohazard bag
Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Please ensure all required information is provided on the requisition
Pipecolic Acid   Investigation of peroxisomal biogenesis disorders PIP-P, PIP-S, PIP-U, PIP-C Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 30 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis /td>
Derivatization (i.e., silylation) using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) stable isotope dilution (SID) method with a deuterium-labeled internal standard Pipecolic acid is elevated in peroxisomal biogenesis disorders but not in single peroxisomal enzyme deficiencies; therefore, this test in combination with Very Long-Chain & Branched-Chain Fatty Acids testing is useful in differentiating these two classes of peroxisomal diseases
Increased pipecolic acid levels may also be seen in alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency (pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy), hyperlysinemia types 1 and 2, and defects of proline metabolism
Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.25 mL plasma or serum min) in sodium heparin tube (dark green - NOT PST)
-Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
-Non-additive (red top - NOT SST)
-Random specimen: plain urine container
-Sterile plastic screw-cap vial for Cerebrospinal Fluid
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
This test should be ordered in conjunction with Very Long Chain & Branched-Chain
Fatty Acids (ACH)
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary blood tube not refrigerated
-Primary CSF tube(s) not kept on ice
-Primary urine container not refrigerated or frozen
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (1 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
If sample is transferred to a secondary aliquot tube or container, write "random urine" on label
Cerebrospinal Fluid Collect 0.25 mL in sterile plastic screw-cap vial for Cerebrospinal Fluid
Preference is to use second CSF collection vial with no visible blood contamination
Indicate specimen type on label
Porphyria Variegata PPOX   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Designed to detect c.175C>T (p.R59W) (NM_001122764.1) in the South African population Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Prader-Willi Syndrome   PWS CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks 15q11 methylation sensitive MLPA and UPD15 Microsatellites 15q11 methylation sensitive MLPA: Detects copy number changes and determines methylation status. Does not distinguish between imprinting center pathogenic variants and UPD
UPD15 microsatellites: Detects UPD15
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
PRF 1-associated Hematological Disorders / Cancers PRF1   SUNQUEST: HCA-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics, Hematology and Oncology
Prosigna for Breast Cancer   Determine breast cancer recurrence risk in women with hormone receptor positive, HER2 negative, node negative breast cancers with equivocal clinico-pathologic characteristics   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 1 week
Test set-up on Monday and Wednesday (excluding statutory holidays)
Gene expression profile Prosigna is a Health Canada approved test that uses a 50 gene expression profile, tumour size and nodal status to identify intrinsic subtype, report a Risk of Recurrence Score (ROR) and a probability of Distant Recurrence (DR). RNA is extracted from FFPE tissue, hybridized to the Prosigna CodeSet in the nCounter prep station and scanned by the nCounter Digital Analyzer Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Cut the block in the following order:
1. 1 x 4-micron Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) stained slide
2. 6 x 10-micron unbaked unstained charged slides
3. 1 x 4-micron Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) stained slide
The breast biomarker pathologist must circle the tumor area in the first H&E slide
In addition, the breast biomarker pathologist needs to ensure that the tumor cellularity is >10% and the surface area is > 4 mm2
Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report
Aptex or Apex slides are not acceptable
Electrostatically charged slides must be used
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Test restricted to breast oncologists and pathologists
Prothrombin G20210A Mutation   Investigation of thrombophilia PROM University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test performed on Thursday
Real-time PCR After DNA isolation from peripheral blood sample, polymerase chain reaction is performed using the LightCycler 2.0 instrument and the Factor II G20210A kit purchased from F.Hoffman-La Roche Ltd. (Basel, Switzerland)
The assay utilizes fluorogenic target-specific hybridization for genotyping of the amplified Factor II DNA and allows the detection of a single point mutation (G to A at position 20210) of the human Factor II gene. Data analysis is performed using the software purchased from the company
Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL in EDTA (lavender) tube Keep sample refrigerated until ready for transport
Must be received in Molecular Pathology laboratory within 3 days of collection
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
PTCH 1-related Holoprosencephaly PTCH1   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
PTEN Hamartoma Syndrome and associated developmental disorders PTEN   "SUNQUEST: MDG-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE CERNER: MDLBL-;APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE" University of Alberta Hospital or Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
For UAH, Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology and Pediatrics
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Pyruvic Acid   Used to distinguish between pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency and other causes of congenital lactic acidosis. This test has no clinical utility outside of the context of elevated lactate. Furthermore, pediatric patients in acute liver failure have also been shown to have elevated lactate and elevated Lactate:Pyruvate (L:P) ratio irrespective of cause (i.e., values did not distinguish between mitochondrial and other causes) PYR-W, PYR-C Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 3 days
Prior arrangement is required before ordering
Detected spectrophotometrically using a commercially-available kit When blood lactate is > 5 mmol/L, patient classification based on the L:P ratio shows improved diagnostic accuracy: the sensitivity has been reported to be 96% (95% CI, 77%–99%) with a specificity of 100% (95% CI, 59%–100%) Blood Collect 1 x 2 mL (0.5 mL whole blood min) in sodium fluoride (grey) tube
Alternate: Sterile plastic screw-cap vial for Cerebrospinal Fluid
For Blood Sample patient must be fasting for 4 hours (including discontinuation of IV dextrose) and must be at rest for 30 minutes prior to collection.
Blood must be drawn WITHOUT a tourniquet
This test must be booked at the ACH Biochemical Genetics Lab (403-955-7379) at least 24 hours prior to collection, and coordinated with CLS collection staff (403-955-7244).
Off-site collections will not be performed
A staff member of the Alberta Children’s Hospital Biochemical Genetics Lab must be present at the time of collection to process the specimen
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
This test must be ordered in conjunction with Lactate - Blood or Lactate - CSF.
Both tests (Pyruvic Acid and Lactate) will be performed on the same specimen
Test will NOT be performed if patient has NOT had previous evidence of elevated blood or CSF lactate level
Cerebrospinal Fluid Collect 0.5 mL in sterile plastic screw-cap vial for Cerebrospinal Fluid
Preference is to use second CSF collection vial with no visible blood contamination
Indicate specimen type on label



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Rapid Aneuploidy Detection (RAD)   Aneuploidy
Turner Syndrome
Edward Syndrome
Patau Syndrome
Down Syndrome
Trisomy 13
Trisomy 18
Trisomy 21     
SUNQUEST: RAD1-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics      2-3 days    QF-PCR      Aneuploidy for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y      Blood (Peripheral or Cord) For Patients >20 kg - Collect 2 EDTA tubes each containing 3.0 to 5.0 mL of blood
For Patients For Neonates - Collect 1 EDTA containing a minimum of 0.5 mL of blood
  MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition     
  Extracted DNA 10ug @ >100ng/uL  
  SUNQUEST: RAD1-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE  Chorionic Villi Minimum of 15 mg Submit in a sterile 15 mL or 50 mL polypropylene centrifuge tube or in a plain sterile tube with screw cap
A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays 
  Amniotic Fluid Minimum of 25 mL
  SUNQUEST: RAD1-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE  6 weeks  Fresh or Frozen Fetal Tissue > 20mg in a sterile container with NO fixative
Preferred sample types: Skin, Spleen, Lung, Thymus, Kidney, Muscle or Umbilical Cord
Other samples are acceptable but quality of DNA obtained may not be optimal for this assay
Products of Conception (POC’s) or placental tissues must be submitted with a maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) and completed requisition 
  Cultured Fetal Cells Confluent (overgrown) T25 flask (or equivalent) placed in transport media
Renal Cancer Panel BAP1, EPCAM, FH, FLCN, MET, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, PTEN, SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD, TP53, VHL, PMS2 Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS
For PMS2 - MLPA and Sanger Sequencing
NGS: Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR
MLPA: Detects deletions and duplications
Sanger Sequencing: Sequence analysis of PMS2 exons 11-15 only
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Restrictive Dermopathy, lethal ZMPSTE24 Fetal hypokinesia sequence CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted Sequence Analysis Designed to detect the following pathogenic variants:
c.54dupT (NM_005857) in the Mennonite population
c.1085dupT (NM_005857) in the Hutterite population and Old Colony Mennonite population
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Retinoblastoma RB1   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA (see RAD)   All tumor testing (tissue specimen) to be performed out of province after pre-approval is obtained from the Genetic Resource Center
For Tissue Specimens:
For Fresh or Frozen Tissue specimens - Submit > 20mg in a sterile container with NO fixative
For Cultured Cells - Confluent (overgrown) T25 flask (or equivalent) placed in transport media
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Rett Syndrome MECP2   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Sequence Analysis and MLPA Sequence Analysis: Coding region (MECP2a and MECP3b isoforms)
MLPA: Detects deletions and duplications
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Rhabdoid Tumor Predisposition Syndrome SMARCB1   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Rod Cone Dystrophy RLBP1 Cone Rod Dystrophy
Fundus Albipunctatus
CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Sanger sequencing, including targeted sequence analysis Sanger sequencing: Analysis all of coding regions of RLBP1
Targeted sequence analysis: Designed to detect c.141G>A and c.141+2T>C in the Newfoundland population (NM_000326.4)
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Targeted sequence analysis is restricted to those with Newfoundland ancestry
Russell Silver Syndrome   RSS CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks UPD7 and 11p15 methylation sensitive MLPA UPD7: Microsatellite markers at 7p14-p11.1 and at 7q32
11p15 methylation sensitive MLPA: Designed to detect abnormal methylation of the two imprinted domains located within the chromosome 11p15 BWS/RSS gene cluster as well as deletions and duplications within the 11p15 region. This assay will detect UPD11
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
S-Adenosyl-methionine and S-Adenosyl-homocysteine   Further investigation in a patient with hypermethioninemia and/or homocystinuria to distinguish between several disorders affecting methionine metabolism and the methylation cycle
S-adenosylmethionine and S-adenosylhomocysteine can be abnormal in the following enzyme deficiencies / disorders:
Disorders with elevated S-adenosylmethionine and S-adenosylhomocysteine
-cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency (classical homocystinuria)
-S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) deficiency
-adenosine kinase (ADK) deficiency
Disorders with elevated S-adenosylmethionine Only
-glycine N-methyltransferase (GNMT) deficiency
-mtDNA depletion syndrome
Disorders with Low-Normal S-adenosylmethionine
-methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) I/III deficiency
-methylenetetra-hydrofolate reductase deficiency (MTHFR)
-methionine synthase deficiency
-Cobalamin (Cbl) C, D, E, F, G, J and X deficiencies
-transcobalamin II deficiency
-severe folate or B12 deficiencies
Other causes of Elevated S-adenosylmethionine and S-adenosylhomocysteine
-chronic kidney disease
SAM-P Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 45 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Liquid chromatography, electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LS-MS/MS) with a deuterium-labelled internal standard   Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (1.0 mL whole blood min) in K2 EDTA tube (royal blue top) Collect following a minimum four-hour fast; or just before next feed for newborns
Indicate length of fast, or time of last feeding on the requisition (with collection time)
Place sample immediately on ice
Transport immediately to ACH Biochemical Genetics Laboratory or immediately call
ACH Biochemical Genetics Laboratory (403-955-7379) for sample pick-up
Should collection be required at a site other than ACH, contact the ACH Biochemical
Genetics Lab PRIOR TO sample collection for instructions on how to properly handle the sample
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Schwannomatosis Panel NF2, SMARCB1 Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome SBDS   SUNQUEST: MDG-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS and Exon Level Array CGH NGS: Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS
aCGH: Deletion/duplication testing is performed at single exon-level resolution
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics, Hematology, and Oncology
Sialic Acid - Total & Free   Investigation of neuraminidase deficiency (including galactosialidosis), lysosomal free sialic acid storage disorders and sialuria. This test may also be used in the investigation of I-cell disease (resulting from a functional neuraminidase deficiency)
Disorders detectable by elevated Total and Free Sialic Acid:
-lysosomal free sialic acid disorders (i.e., Salla disease, intermediate severe Salla disease, and infantile free sialic acid storage disease)
Disorders detectable by elevated Total and Conjugated Sialic Acid:
-sialidosis (a.k.a., neuraminidase deficiency)
-galactosialidosis (a.k.a., cathepsin A deficiency)
-I-cell disease (severe phenotype)
Other causes of elevated Total, Free and/or Conjugated Sialic Acid:
-hemolytic uremic syndrome
-type 2 diabetes mellitus
-renal failure
-bladder tumors
SIALIC-U Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 45 days
Test is performed on a monthly basis
Liquid chromatography, electrospray-ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LS-MS/MS) with a deuterium-labelled internal standard   Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (0.5 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
If sample is transferred to a secondary aliquot tube or container, write "random urine" on label Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Samples will be rejected if:
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Sample type not written on aliquot tube label
Skeletal Dysplasias Panel - hypochondroplasia, achondroplasia, thanatophoric FGFR3   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Targeted sequence analysis Sanger sequencing of exons 3, 5-9, 11-12, 14-15 and 18 in FGFR3. Designed to detect the following common pathogenic variants (NM_000142.4):
c.1138G>A (p.Gly380Arg)
c.1138G>C (p.Gly380Arg)
c.1620C>A (p.Asn540Lys)
c.1620C>G (p.Asn540Lys)
Thanatophoric dysplasia, type 1
c.742C>T (p.Arg248Cys)
c.746C>G (p.Ser249Cys)
c.1108G>T (p.Gly370Cys)
c.1111A>T (p.Ser371Cys)
c.1118A>G (p.Tyr373Cys)
c.1949A>T (p.Lys650Met)
c.2420G>T (p.Ter807LeuextTer101)
c.2419T>G (p.Ter807GlyextTer101)
c.2419T>C (p.Ter807ArgextTer101)
c.2419T>A (p.Ter807ArgextTer101)
c.2421A>T (p.Ter807CysextTer101)
c.2421A>C (p.Ter807CysextTer101)
c.2421A>G (p.Ter807TrpextTer101)
Thanatophoric dysplasia, type 2
c. 1948A>G (p.Lys650Glu)
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics, Perinatology and Pediatrics
Skin Cancer Panel BAP1, CDK4, CDKN2A, CYLD, PTCH1, SUFU Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
Sphingomyelinase, T-lymphocyte   Investigation of Niemann-Pick A & B Disease (a.k.a., sphingomyelinase deficiency) - a lysosomal storage disorder SPHINGO Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 45 days Test is performed on a monthly basis Sphingomyelinase activity is measured spectrophotometrically using the 2-N-Hexadecanoylamino-4-nitrophenyl-phosphoroylcholine-linked substrate This procedure involves the establishment of an IL-2 stimulated T-lymphocyte culture and storage of cell pellets for the purposes of lysosomal enzyme testing Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (3.0 mL whole blood min) in sodium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
Alternate: Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
Primary tube must remain at room temperature at all times
It is recommended that patients go to ACH OP Lab for specimen collection
The 3.0 mL of whole blood will be sufficient to test for multiple lysosomal enzymes in T-lymphocytes, if requested
If not collected at ACH, all samples SHOULD arrive before 14:00h and have been collected NO LONGER than 48 hours prior to arrival
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Requests for testing should be supported by a high index of clinical suspicion specific to the disorder in question
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not kept at room temperature
-Any aliquot tube is received.
-Any sample other than whole blood is submitted
Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy AR SBMA
Kennedy Disease
CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks PCR sizing and repeat-primed PCR Detects and sizes normal and premutation alleles only; detects the presence of expanded pathogenic alleles (no sizing available) Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Spinal Muscular Atrophy SMN1, SMN2 Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congentiaspinal Muscular Atrophy
Kugelberg Welander Syndrome
Werndig Hoffman Syndrome
CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA Detects dosage (including deletions and duplications) in exons 7 & 8 of the SMN1 and SMN2 genes Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Hemoglobinopathy screen results are required
Spinocerebellar Ataxia General Screen ATXN1 (SCA1), ATXN2 (SCA2), ATXN3 (SCA3), CACNA1A (SCA6), ATXN7 (SCA7), ATXN8 (SCA8) Machado-Joseph Disease
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 6
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 7
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 8
SCA screen
CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks PCR sizing and repeat-primed PCR Detects and sizes normal and premutation alleles only; detects the presence of expanded pathogenic alleles (no sizing available) Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Each SCA type can also be ordered individually based on clinical suspicion or family history. On the requistion, specify if request is for general screen or specific SCA type
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 17 TBP SCA
CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks PCR sizing and repeat-primed PCR Detects and sizes normal and premutation alleles only; detects the presence of expanded pathogenic alleles (no sizing available) Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Steroid Sulfatase Deficiency NLGN4X , FAM16AX, STS, KAL1, OA1 X-linked Ichthyosis
STS Deficiency
SUNQUEST: STS-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA + Real-Time PCR Detects deletions and duplications Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Sugar (reducing substances) Screen   Initial investigation for disorders of galactose and fructose metabolism REDSUB-U Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 8 days
Test is performed on a weekly basis
Benedict’s test Positive and negative controls are run with patient samples Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (0.5 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
If sample is transferred to a secondary aliquot tube or container, write "random urine" on label Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test should not be used to monitor known patients on treatment as this is a qualitative test
A positive Benedict’s test indicating the presence of increased urine reducing substances will result in reflexive sugar chromatography testing on the same sample, volume permitting
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary container or aliquot tube received thawed
-Sample type not written on aliquot tube label
Sugar Chromatography   Used to evaluate issues of carbohydrate absorption, when there is a strong clinical suspicion of a disorder of monosaccharide transport or carbohydrate metabolism (e.g., galactosemia, fructosemia), or when the sugar (i.e., reducing substances) screen has been found to be abnormal and there was insufficient sample for reflexive testing SUGAR Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 21 days
Test is performed on a biweekly basis
Thin layer chromatography with known sugar standards Metabolite reported: rhaminose, xylose, fucose, glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, lactose, raffinose Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (1 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
If sample is transferred to a secondary aliquot tube or container, write "random urine" on label If sample is transferred to a secondary aliquot tube or container, write "random urine" on label Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary container or aliquot tube received thawed
-Sample type not written on aliquot tube label
Sulfite Screen   Investigation of patients suspected of having isolated sulfite oxidase or molybdenum co-factor deficiencies based on clinical presentation SULFITE Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 1 day
Prior arrangement is required before ordering
Colourometric test strip Although a clearly positive test is highly suggestive of either disorder, it is dependent on testing fresh urine
A negative test cannot be used to rule out these disorders, and further testing is recommended if warranted by specific clinical suspicion
Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (2.0 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Place sample on ice
This test must be booked with the ACH Biochemical Genetics Lab (403-955-7379) perferably 24 hours in advance
Sample can only be collected at ACH
Immediately transport to ACH Biochemical Genetics Lab or call ACH Biochemical Genetics Lab (403-955-7379) for sample pick-up
It is recommended that testing be performed on a freshly voided sample, preferrably within 20 minutes of collection.
As sulfite rapidly oxidizes at room temperature as well as durring refrigeration, testing will be cancelled if the sample has not been received within 1 hour of collection
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Synovial Sarcoma by FISH SS18 Investigation of Synovial Sarcoma   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 2 weeks
Test set-up on Monday and Wednesday (excluding statutory holidays)
FISH Slides are cut from paraffin blocks and are deparaffinized in xylene and dehydrated in ethanol. Specimen pretreatment and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) are performed using Vysis® (Abbott Molecular Inc.) pretreatment kit
The locus specific identifier (LSI) SS18 (SYT) dual colour break apart gene rearrangement probe is a mixture of two FISH DNA probes that hybridize to opposite sides of the SS18 gene. Synovial sarcoma is characterized by a t(X;18)(p11.2;q11.2) which is present in virtually all examples. This translocation fuses SYT on chromosome 18 with either SSX1 (66%) or SSX2 (33%), both located on chromosome Xp11. More rarely, SYT is adjoined to SSX4 also located on chromosome Xp11. The majority of breakpoints for t(X;18)(p11.2;q11.2) is not found at random and arises exclusively in Synovial sarcoma. In normal cells, the two probes (green and orange) are fused or close together. Normal nuclei contain two red/green (yellow) fusion signals (2F). In abnormal cells, with t(X;18)(p11.2;q11.2), having a breakpoint within the hybridization targets of the probes exhibits one yellow, one red and one green signal (FRG)
This lab’s normal cut off is established at less than or equal to 10% of the cells showing an abnormal signal pattern. All appropriate negative and positive controls are used
An average of 100 interphase nuclei are examined independently by two observers using an Olympus Provis Fluorescence microscope system on 1000X magnification
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block is preferred
Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin as well as six 4-micron baked (2 hours at 60°C) unstained charged slides can be submitted
Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
t(15;17) PML/RARA PML, RARA Investigation of myeloproliferative neoplasms and/or acute leukemias   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology Detection Assay - RUSH 1 day, routine 3 days
Quantitative Assay - 1 week
Test performed Monday to Friday
Real-time PCR PML/RARA Detection Assay: 
RNA extraction is performed on the QIAsymphony. cDNA synthesis and amplification of t(15;17) gene transcripts is performed in two steps by RT qPCR with ABL1 as the reference gene. Fluorescence detection is by the Quant Studio real time PCR platform (Life Technologies). Appropriate positive and negative controls are used
The limit of detection (LOD) of this assay is a 5.0 log reduction from the mean of pooled positive diagnostic samples
PML/RARA Quantitation Assay:
RNA extraction is performed on the QIAsymphony. cDNA synthesis and quantitation of t(15:17) gene transcripts is performed in two steps by RT-qPCR with ABL1 as the reference gene. Fluorescence detection is by the Quant Studio real time PCR platform (Life Technologies). Appropriate positive and negative controls are used
The results are expressed as percentage residual disease and a calculated log reduction (LR). The residual disease is the percentage of NCN of the monitor sample to the NCN of the initial diagnostic sample. The LR is the log reduction in the normalized copy number (NCN) of PML-RARA transcript from the initial diagnostic sample. The NCN is the ratio of PML-RARA transcripts to ABL1 transcripts
The limit of detection (LOD) of this assay is a 5.0-log reduction from the mean of pooled positive diagnostic samples, which corresponds to 0.001% residual disease
Blood Collect 2 x 4 mL EDTA (lavender) tubes. One tube for CBC/differential and one tube for Molecular Pathology
Collect 1 x 2.5 mL PAXgene Blood RNA for Molecular Pathology
Any peripheral blood requests will require a CBC and differential to be ordered and processed as per local handling practices
Using a butterfly needle and holding the tube below the arm to prevent backflow of contents into the patient, first collect 2 EDTA tubes, then the PAXgene Blood RNA tube Collection must be in the correct order of draw to ensure accurate white count determination
For bone marrow collection, order of draw is not important
Immediately following collection, place all tubes ON ICE
Transport samples to Molecular Pathology as soon as possible, on ice or cold pack
Molecular Pathology must receive the sample within 24 hours of collection
If transport to Molecular Pathology is anticipated to be greater than 24 hours, contact Molecular Pathology at 780-407-6648
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
PAXgene collection tubes are available upon request. Submit an order form using one of the links provided: Client Supply Order Edmonton Zone OR Client Supply Order Provincial Form
Bone Marrow Collect 1 x 4 mL (2 mL min) EDTA (lavender) tube
Collect 1 x 2 mL (max) PAXgene Blood RNA tube
t(8;21) RUNX1/RUNX1T1 RUNX1, RUNX1T1 Investigation of myeloproliferative neoplasms and/or acute leukemias   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology 1 week
Test performed Monday to Friday
Real-time PCR RNA extraction is performed on the QIAsymphony. cDNA synthesis and quantitation of t(8:21) gene transcripts is performed in a single well using the Express One-Step Superscript qRT PCR mastermix (Life Technologies) with ABL1 as the reference gene. Fluorescence detection is performed on the Quant Studio real time PCR platform (Life Technologies). Appropriate positive and negative controls are used
The results are expressed as percentage residual disease and a calculated log reduction (LR). The residual disease is the percentage of NCN of the monitor sample to the NCN of the initial diagnostic sample. The LR is the log reduction in the normalized copy number (NCN) of RUNX1/RUNX1T1 transcript from the initial diagnostic sample. The NCN is the ratio of RUNX1/RUNX1T1 transcripts to ABL1 transcripts
The limit of detection (LOD) of this assay is a 4.0-log reduction from the mean of pooled positive diagnostic samples, which corresponds to 0.01% residual disease
Blood Collect 2 x 4 mL EDTA (lavender) tubes. One tube for CBC/differential and one tube for Molecular Pathology
Collect 1 x 2.5 mL PAXgene Blood RNA for Molecular Pathology
Any peripheral blood requests will require a CBC and differential to be ordered and processed as per local handling practices
Using a butterfly needle and holding the tube below the arm to prevent backflow of contents into the patient, first collect 2 EDTA tubes, then the PAXgene Blood RNA tube
Collection must be in the correct order of draw to ensure accurate white count determination
For bone marrow collection, order of draw is not important
Immediately following collection, place all tubes ON ICE
Transport samples to Molecular Pathology as soon as possible, on ice or cold pack.
Molecular Pathology must receive the sample within 24 hours of collection
If transport to Molecular Pathology is anticipated to be greater than 24 hours, contact Molecular Pathology at 780-407-6648
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
PAXgene collection tubes are available upon request. Submit an order form using one of the links provided: Client Supply Order Edmonton Zone OR Client Supply Order Provincial Form
Bone Marrow Collect 1 x 4 mL (2 mL min) EDTA (lavender) tube
Collect 1 x 2 mL (max) PAXgene Blood RNA tube
t(9;22) BCR/ABL1 BCR, ABL1 Investigation of myeloproliferative neoplasms and/or acute leukemias   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology Qualitative assay:
1) AML and ALL: 3 business days (5 calendar days)
2) Other samples: 8 business days (10 calendar days)
Quantitative assay:
1 month for monitor cases
Initial cases are set-up every other day (not including weekends or statutory holidays)
Monitor cases are set-up biweekly, on Wednesday
Detection assay - PCR followed by capillary electrophoresis.
Quantitation assay - Real-time PCR
BCR/ABL1 Detection Assay:
RNA extracted from the sample is reversed transcribed and the resultant cDNA is subjected to PCR. This qualitative, lab-developed assay is designed as a multiplex PCR. The amplified DNA is then run on the 3500xL genetic analyzer for detection and analysis
The assay is capable of detecting nine different BCR/ABL1 fusion transcripts: b2a2, b3a2, e1a2 (most commonly found in CML and ALL) as well as b2a3, b3a3, e6a2, e8a2, e1a3 and e19a2
BCR amplification is also measured in every sample to test whether a sample has sufficient quantity and quality of RNA
The limit of detection (analytical sensitivity) for b2a2, b3a2 and e1a2 fusions was determined to be 3.5 log reduction
p210 BCR/ABL1 Quantitation Assay:
After RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis, real-time quantitation of BCR-ABL1 gene transcripts was performed using the BCR-ABL Mbcr IS-MMR Kit purchased from QIAGEN (Hilden, Germany). Appropriate positive and negative controls were used
Results are reported on the International Scale (IS) which is calibrated against the first NIBSC WHO IS standard (ref. 09/138)
The analytical sensitivity of the UAH Molecular Pathology assay is 0.0032% (4.5 Log Reduction)
Blood Collect 2 x 4 mL EDTA (lavender) tubes. One tube for CBC/differential and one tube for Molecular Pathology
Collect 1 x 2.5 mL PAXgene Blood RNA for Molecular Pathology
Any peripheral blood requests will require a CBC and differential to be ordered and processed as per local handling practices
Using a butterfly needle and holding the tube below the arm to prevent backflow of contents into the patient, first collect 2 EDTA tubes, then the PAXgene Blood RNA tube
Collection must be in the correct order of draw to ensure accurate white count determination
For bone marrow collection, order of draw is not important
Immediately following collection, place all tubes ON ICE
Transport samples to Molecular Pathology as soon as possible, on ice or cold pack.
Molecular Pathology must receive the sample within 24 hours of collection.
If transport to Molecular Pathology is anticipated to be greater than 24 hours, contact Molecular Pathology at 780-407-6648
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
PAXgene collection tubes are available upon request. Submit an order form using one of the links provided: Client Supply Order Edmonton Zone OR Client Supply Order Provincial Form
Bone Marrow Collect 1 x 4 mL (2 mL min) EDTA (lavender) tube
Collect 1 x 2 mL (max) PAXgene Blood RNA tube
Tay-Sachs CARRIER Testing   NOT appropriate for patients with a suspected diagnosis of Tay-Sachs or Sandhoff disease. For diagnostic testing for these disorders, please see Hexosaminidase (ACH) TAYSACHS Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 30 days
Monthly, with priority testing being performed on samples from pregnant females
Measured fluorometrically using 4-methylumbelliferyl substrates Total hexosaminidase, as well as fractional and specific hexosaminidase A are assessed using activities in both serum and lymphocytes, and these activities are compared to established reference ranges for noncarriers, Tay Sachs carriers, Sandhoff carriers and pregnant females. Either serum or lymphocyte total hexosaminidase activities that fall outside of the established ranges cannot be used to determine carrier status using that specimen type. Activities that fall within a known overlap between Tay-Sachs carrier and noncarrier (i.e., the indeterminate) reference ranges also will not allow determination of carrier status Blood Collect 2 x 4 mL (3 mL serum min) Non-additive (red top - NOT SST) tubes
Collect 3 x 4 mL (7 mL whole blood min) Sodium heparin (dark green - NOT PST) tubes
This test must be booked with the ACH Biochemical Genetics Lab (403-955-7379) at least 24 hours in advance Collections are recommended to be done at the ACH Outpatient Lab between 8:00 and 14:00 weekdays, as a member of the ACH Biochemical Genetics Lab will be required to retrieve and prepare the sample
Serum Sample:
1. Centrifuge
2. Transfer serum to an aliquot tube
3. Write ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label
4. Freeze
Serum sample can be refrigerated in primary tube (following clotting) prior to freezing in an aliquot tube
Whole Blood Sample:
Primary tube must remain at room temperature at all times
If samples are collected at ACH: Immediately transport to ACH Biochemical Genetics Lab or call ACH Biochemical Genetics Lab (403-955-7379) for sample pick-up
If samples are not collected at ACH: Whole blood sample must be transported at room temperature to arrive in ACH by 1400hr and within 24 hours of time of collection, as lymphocyte quality (isolated from the green top tubes) drops after 24 hours and/or if not maintained at room temperature
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Physicians only: Please indicate on requisition if patient is Jewish, Ashkenazi Jewish, pregnant, diabetic, on birth control or on estrogen therapy
Order Restrictions: This test will not be performed on minors
Testing requires serum AND whole blood sample collections from BOTH partners (e.g. husband AND wife) and will ONLY be conducted through a physician referral with appropriate genetic counseling services
T Cell Receptor Gene Rearrangement TCR Investigation of lymphoproliferative disorders TCR Gene Rearrangement   University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Pathology TCR gamma 7 days, TCR beta 14 days
Test set-up on Monday and Thursday (excluding statutory holidays)
PCR followed by capillary electrophoresis DNA is extracted using the QIAsymphony DSP DNA Mini Kit from Qiagen (Valencia, CA.). The integrity of the DNA is assessed using a Specimen Control Size Ladder detecting four different fragment sizes. Appropriate polyclonal and monoclonal (T-cell lymphoma cell line) controls are used. A no template control is also included. These assays have been validated by a parallel study with another institution
T-Cell Receptor Gamma Assay:
A four-color, multiplex, PCR assay is performed using Invitrogen Platinum High Fidelity Taq with appropriate fluorescence-labeled primers detecting four different fragment sizes. The PCR products are subjected to capillary electrophoresis on an Applied Biosystems 3130/3500XL Genetic Analyzer using fragment analysis GeneMapper software. Previously published primers for the four-color TCR gamma PCR Assay (Vega et al, Am J Clin Pathol 2001;116:17-24) are utilized in this method. Due to the sensitivity of this assay, pseudoclonality can be seen occasionally in some inflammatory conditions. These clones are usually not reproducible when a repeat sample is obtained. This assay cannot detect less than 5 positive cells/95 normal cells
The clinical sensitivity of this assay is determined to be 87.5% and clinical specificity is 95% in our laboratory
T-Cell Receptor Beta Assay:
A commercially available kit from InVivoscribe Technologies (San Diego, California) is used. PCR is performed using Invitrogen Platinum High Fidelity Taq with appropriate fluorescence-labeled primers in three different mixes. The PCR products are subjected to capillary electrophoresis on an Applied Biosystems 3130/3500XL Genetic Analyzer using fragment analysis GeneMapper software. This assay does not detect 100% clonal cell populations and cannot detect less than 5 positive cells/95 normal cells
The clinical sensitivity of this assay is determined to be 52% and clinical specificity is 84% in our laboratory
Blood Collect 2 x 4 mL EDTA (lavender) tubes. One tube for CBC/differential and one tube for Molecular Pathology Any peripheral blood requests will require a CBC and differential to be ordered and processed as per local handling practices
Whole blood samples must be received in Molecular Pathology within 3 days of collection
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Pathology Requisition
Please provide any pertinent clinical history on the requisition
Test requests are restricted to hematopathologists and lymphoma pathologists
Bone Marrow Collect 1 x 4 mL (2 mL min) EDTA (lavender) tube  
Paraffin-Embedded Tissue A formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue block is preferred
Alternatively, one slide stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin and five 10-micron non-baked, unstained slides can be submitted
Please provide a copy of the corresponding pathology report
Telomere MLPA     CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA Detects deletions and duplications Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Torsion Dystonia, Autosomal Dominant TOR1A DYT1 CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks PCR and Targeted Sequence Analysis Designed to detect c.907_909delGAG (NM_000113) Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Neurology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics
Tuberous Sclerosis Panel TSC1, TSC2 Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Urine Sugar Identification   Pentosuria and Fructosuria SUGID University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 10 days Test is performed Monday to Friday     Urine Collect 1 mL (100 uL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
First morning void urine sample is preferred Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Please ensure all required information is provided on the requisition
Does not detect sucrose
If sucrase intestinal deficiency is suspected, order disaccharidase panel (requires small bowel biopsy sample)
If diabetes is suspected, order random or fasting glucose
If galactosemia is suspected, order galactosemia screen.
If pediatric intestinal lactase deficiency is suspected, order fecal sugar identification
Urine Sulfite   Sulfite oxidase deficiency and molybdenum cofactor defieciency MISC-; URINE SULFITE University of Alberta Hospital Newborn Metabolic Screen & Biochemical Genetics 4 days
Test is performed Monday to Friday
    Urine Collect 1 mL of random urine sample in plain urine container
Freeze immediately
Collect Monday to Friday before 1400 hours (excluding holidays) only
Notify Newborn Metabolic Screening / Biochemical Genetics Laboratory (780) 407-8820 when patient presents at collection site, and before collection
Keep sample on ice
Samples must be received in the Newborn Metabolic Screening / Biochemical Genetics Lab on ice within 2 hours of collection
Test ideally performed within 1 hour of collection
Request using Chemistry Specialty Requisition
Please ensure all required information is provided on the requisition
Rejection Criteria: Samples not received in lab, on ice within 2 hours of collection
If baby is on TPN, this will cause a false positive result
Uronic Acids, Quantitative   Strong clinical suspicion of a mucopolysaccharidosis in a patient, or when the initial glycosaminoglycan (i.e., mucopolysaccharide) screen was found to be abnormal and there was insufficient sample for reflexive testing UA-U Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 21 days
Test performed on a biweekly basis
Determined spectrophotometrically following precipitation with a cationic detergent, washing and hydrolysis with carbazole reagent Elevated uronic acids indicate the presence of abnormal levels of the glycosaminoglycans dermatan and/or heparan sufate in addition to the normal urine constituents chondroitin 4 and 6 sulfates, and is highly suggestive of a biochemical diagnosis of a mucopolysaccharidosis. Such a finding requires further identification of which glycosaminoglycan(s) has contributed to this finding. Further enzyme or molecular-based testing is required to confirm the specific enzyme deficiency in each case
NOTE: this method does not detect keratan sulfate, as neither of its constituent subunits (i.e., galactose and N-acetylglucosamine) is a hexuronic acid. Therefore, in patients with a strong clinical suspicion of Morquio syndrome, both quantitative uronic acids AND GAG electrophoresis should be ordered
Urine Collect 5 - 10 mL (4 mL min) of random urine sample in plain urine container
Alternate: 24 hour urine collection (10.0 mL min) container (NO ADDITIVE)
Freeze immediately
Random Urine Collection:
1. Prefer first morning void whenever possible
2. If sample is transferred to a secondary aliquot tube or container, write ""random urine"" on label
3. Freeze
24 hour Urine Collection:
Urine specimen MUST be kept FROZEN during entire collection and transport process (no preservative)
Instruct patient to ensure to place 24 hour urine collection container into freezer immediately after each void throughout the 24 hour collection period
After collection:
1. Thaw 24 urine specimen
2. Measure total volume
3. Enter TVOL on requisiton
4. Send 10 mL aliquot of urine; write ""24hr urine, Tvol #L"" on the label
5. Freeze aliquot
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
This test is considered specialty testing; this test will be cancelled if sufficient clinical justification is not provided
This test can either be ordered in conjunction with Glycosaminoglycan Electrophoresis, Qualitative (ACH) , or, if the level of uronic acids is found to be elevated in a urine sample, Glycosaminoglycan Electrophoresis, Qualitative will be reflexively tested and reported separately. Minimum volume is for both tests
Samples will be rejected if:
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Sample type not written on aliquot tube label



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Very Long-Chain & Branched-Chain Fatty Acids   Investigation of peroxisomal biogenesis disorders and specific peroxisomal fatty-acid oxidation disorders
Disorders Detectable by very long-chain and branched-chain fatty acid analysis*:
Peroxisomal Biogenesis Disorders
-Zellweger spectrum disorder (encompassing Zellweger syndrome, NALD and infantile Refsum disease)
Specific Peroxisomal Enzyme Deficiencies:
-X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
-acyl-CoA oxidase deficiency (a.k.a., pseudo-NALD)
-D-bifunctional protein deficiency
-2-methylacyl-CoA racemase deficiency
-Adult Refsum disease
*Further confirmatory testing is required for some of these conditions, as nonspecific/artifactual findings as well as overlapping patterns may prevent definitive diagnosis in specific cases
VLCFA-P, VLCFA-S Alberta Children's Hospital Biochemical Genetics 45 days Test is performed on a monthly basis Derivatization (i.e., silylation) using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) stable isotope dilution (SID) method with deuterium-labeled internal standards Metabolite reported: behenic (docosanoic) acid (C22:0), lignoceric (tetracosanoic) acid (C24:0), ceratinic (hexacosanoic) acid (C26:0), pristanic (2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentadecanoic) acid, phytanic (3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadecanoic) acid Blood Collect 1 x 4.0 mL (0.25 mL plasma or serum min) in sodium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
-Lithium heparin (dark green - NOT PST)
-Non-additive (red top - NOT SST)
Collect following a minimum four-hour fast; or just before next feed for newborns
Patients should avoid eating peanut-rich goods (e.g., peanut butter) 24 hours prior to collection
Indicate length of fast, or time of last feeding on the requisition (with collection time)
At ACH only:
The primary heparinized tube can be put on ice (ensure not to freeze sample) or refrigerated for routine pick-ups between 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Monday through Friday
For all other collections:
Centrifuge, transfer plasma or serum to aliquot tube, write ""NaHep"", ""LiHep"" or ""Red Top"" on the aliquot tube label and freeze
Request using Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Samples will be rejected if:
-Primary tube not refrigerated
-Aliquot tube received thawed
-Tube type not written on aliquot tube label
This test should be ordered in combination with plasma/serum or urine pipecolic acid for the investigation of a peroxisomal biogenesis disorders as an additional, independent measure of peroxisomal function
This test SHOULD NOT be ordered for the investigation of very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, as the enzyme deficiency in that disorder is involved in mitochondrial (not peroxisomal) fatty acid beta-oxidation
For the investigation of very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency, order Acylcarnitine Profile (ACH)
von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome VHL   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks MLPA and Sanger sequencing Sanger Sequencing: Coding region of VHL gene
MLPA: Detects partial or whole gene deletions and duplications
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions:
Confirmation of Diagnosis (patient has signs or symptoms of the disease/disorder) - Genetics, Endocrinology
Presymptomatic Testing (patient does not presently have symptoms, positive family history of the condition) - Genetics



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Werner Syndrome WRN   SUNQUEST: MDG-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SPECIMEN TYPE /td> University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics   NGS and Exon Level Array CGH NGS: Genomic DNA is sequenced on an NGS instrument. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS
aCGH: Deletion/duplication testing is performed at single exon-level resolution
Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Williams-Beuren (7q11.2) Locus (deletion and duplication syndromes)   Infantile Hypercalcemia
Elfin Faces with Hypercalcemia
Supravalver Aortic Stenosis
William Syndrome
SUNQUEST: WMS-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Real-Time PCR Detects deletions and duplications Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
WT1-Related Disorders WT1   CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics



Test Name   Gene(s)   Alternate Test Name/ Indication   Test Code   Performing Site   TAT   Method   Detection details   Specimen Requirements    Specimen Handling   Requisition Form/ Restrictions  
Sample Process
Xeroderma Pigmentosum Panel DDB2, ERCC2, ERCC3, ERCC4, ERCC5, XPA, XPC Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing CERNER: MDLBL-; APPEND TEST NAME AND SAMPLE TYPE Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics Up to 16 weeks NGS Genomic DNA is sequenced on a NGS instrument. NGS detects nucleotide substitutions, small insertions and deletions, and copy number variants. Sanger sequencing is used to confirm all variants with clinical or uncertain significance and to analyze regions with <90% technical sensitivity by NGS. Additional deletion/duplication testing may be performed by a variety of methods, including, but not limited to: multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and quantitative PCR Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Cancer and Endocrine Next Generation Sequencing Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Order Restrictions: Genetics
University of Alberta Hospital or Alberta Children's Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks PCR Androgen receptor CAG analysis (requires heterozygosity at this locus) Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)     A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
For UAH, Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
For MDL North (UAH), MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
For MDL South (ACH), MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition
Y Chromosome Microdeletion AZF Chromosome Y Deletion
Male Infertility
Y Deletion
SUNQUEST: DELY-; APPEND SPECIMEN TYPE University of Alberta Hospital Molecular Diagnostics 6 - 8 weeks Microsatellites 7 Y chromosome loci Blood, DNA, Prenatal and Fetal Tissue (see RAD)   A maternal blood sample (5ml EDTA) must be collected for maternal cell contamination studies for products of conception
Chorionic Villi specimens cannot be received on Fridays
MUST be submitted on a Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory Requisition
Please ensure all required information, including patient's clinical history/indication, is provided on the requisition



This article has been produced by Merogenomics Inc. and edited by Jason Chouinard, B.Sc. Reproduction and reuse of any portion of this content requires Merogenomics Inc. permission and source acknowledgment. It is your responsibility to obtain additional permissions from the third party owners that might be cited by Merogenomics Inc. Merogenomics Inc. disclaims any responsibility for any use you make of content owned by third parties without their permission.


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